Is it normal for hair to be thinner at the corners of your hairline like this?


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Your hairline is similar to mine if not slightly worse and I'm 24 and have been diagnosed with Male pattern baldness and am taking Finasteride daily. You really got screwed with the hair gene in all honesty, no your hairline is not normal for your age so if you want to prevent further loss then see a doctor. I regret waiting as long as I had before seeing one and I'm paying for it now. I've noticed 50% less shedding and mild regrowth since taking Finasteride and have had no side effects besides a lowered alcohol tolerance and increased libido (I'm jerking off daily as opposed to every other day prior) but other than that my hairline has remained stable. You could try Rogaine foam but that is a poor long term solution (at least in my experiences) as I would go out on camping trips without it and be back at square one, but if your diligent it's a good option.

What I like about Propecia (Finasteride 1mg) is that it's small and easy to take with or without water, the price is a bit steep at $55 a month but that just means one less video game per month so I'm fine with it. A lot of guys on here will say wild stuff like OMG I can't get a boner!!!!!111??11 or I lost MOAR hair since taking it, or the common... MY bawlz hurt omg I r dying!!!1.

If any of that were true then I'd be a total mess and would have shot myself by now which obviously isn't the case as I just did it with a bar tramp 2 days ago and lasted over an hour so the proof is in the pudding.


Senior Member
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Early stages, enjoy it while it lasts, at your age there's not much you can do.


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hi...maybe go see a dermatologist for accurate assessment? miniaturisation test?


New Member
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wow, that's pretty bad for you. however it's possible that you're not balding from genetic causes, you could also have temporary Telogen effluvium in that specific area, or even your brother, like you said in the OP.
If you pull or brush your hair too harsh-ly, you could also develop traction alopecia, which can be fixed if you stop pulling or combing your hair.
It seems thin behind the hairline, and the hairline looks fine.


Experienced Member
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you won't get the answer you want from this forum. Like you have already said, there will be all sort of different opinions on your hair. However I do think you hair look just fine. By the way, I did not know you need permission from your parents to see a doctor if you are under 20?


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Don't worry about a thing :)

1.) You are 18 years old

2.) You have a ton of hair

3.) Hair doesn't fall out overnight

you are not gonna wake up next week and be a norwood 5. Stop worrying.

If you do have baldness you won't notice until you are in your 20s.

If it does turn out to be baldness just get rogaine and apply it once every two days.

Don't take finasteride it messed up with your hormones and quite honestly its a waste of money.

Take care :)

Da Crow

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Looks good, very early stages of recession, and if you get on some form of DHT inhibitor plus minoxidil you will either stay there for years, or even regrow areas that have thinned.

There are herbal forms of finasteride (type in dht on amazon) that are less potent and that may be all you would need.

Da Crow

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They are less potent and some of the herbs might inhibit both types of DHT like dutasteride (avodart) does... I was taking hairomega 3-in-1 pre-finasteride and the only side effect that gave me was increased sperm volume, ironically. Plus it's a regular multivitamin on top of that, so it's a "win win"


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I am new here, and I am having a panicking moment, and I don't really know who to ask, but here this goes! Anyways, I am a 19, almost 20 year old guy, and I don't have a dad, so I don't really have anyone else to ask about this. I feel as if I've had some thinning going on around the corners of my hairline, and I wanted to know if it is, A(Normal) and B(If something should be done about it). Pictures are attached, and I hope somebody can help! It might just be the fact that I'm blonde, and my top of my head doesn't show any signs of thinning at all, just the corners, but the corners are really noticeable. If it helps, I lost 80 pounds in the past year, I don't know if that would have anything to do with it. IMG_4330.jpgIMG_4331.jpgIMG_4332.jpgIMG_4334.jpgIMG_4335.jpgIMG_4336.jpgIMG_4338.jpgIMG_4340.jpg