Is it just me? So many NW1's on this forum


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ZidanesCrown said:
GeminiX said:
Simple solution for you then champ; as you're unhappy with the forum, simply read each new post and when it's someone who is asking about their hair loss and you feel they are NW1 and don't need to worry, just respond with your views.

The end!

(This isn't usually how I respond to posts, I'm just trying out your style to see if it works; I'm not convinced)

Relax. This is a discussion not an argument. That's what this forum is all about; discussing issues relating to hairloss, not for you to scream 'troll!' at the first sign someone is making a valid point for which you have no reply. Evidently you've posted thousands of times - you do know you don't actually need to inspect every thread and add your 2 cents, right?
Stick to the original topic next time, instead of accusing me of trolling my own thread. Cheers.

Settle down champ, it's just the internet, no need to get riled up.


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Tyler_Durden said:
ZidanesCrown said:
GeminiX said:
Simple solution for you then champ; as you're unhappy with the forum, simply read each new post and when it's someone who is asking about their hair loss and you feel they are NW1 and don't need to worry, just respond with your views.

The end!

(This isn't usually how I respond to posts, I'm just trying out your style to see if it works; I'm not convinced)

Relax. This is a discussion not an argument. That's what this forum is all about; discussing issues relating to hairloss, not for you to scream 'troll!' at the first sign someone is making a valid point for which you have no reply. Evidently you've posted thousands of times - you do know you don't actually need to inspect every thread and add your 2 cents, right?
Stick to the original topic next time, instead of accusing me of trolling my own thread. Cheers.

Settle down champ, it's just the internet, no need to get riled up.

LOL Read the very first word of my previous post - it's been done. As has the 'champ' route. Nice try though, lets get back on topic, yeah?

The point of this thread is to discuss the amount of paranoid NW1's and those who encourage them, not to troll and copy & paste things that have already been said. If you're not one of those who give out fallacious advice, then that's awesome, I'm not talking to/about you. So there's no need to take offense. I'm referring to those on here who tend to diagnose everyone as a sufferer of male pattern baldness, even NW1's. I've noticed it more than just once on this forum - and I know I'm not the only one.


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So I'm assuming this thread was started in response to me suggesting the other day that this 19y/o should begin taking treatments...


Well I'm sorry Zid, but I stand by what I said there. If you look at the close up pictures you can clearly see where one of his temples has sharply receded... Sure this would be nothing major if he was a 25y/o, but it's quite an advanced looking hairline for a 19y/o ( I was at that exact same stage when I was 18/19).

He could wait until he was 23 and a NW3 like me, "just to be sure" that it was male pattern baldness, or he could act now while he still has a good Norwood and save himself a lot of stress and worry.

I understand your point, it's irresponsible of forum members to encourage people, teens and others with little or no sign of male pattern baldness to start treatments, but this guy clearly has more than just a "mature hairline" and if he doesn't act now he won't be rocking that long hair for much longer. 18-25 is the shittest time to lose hair because everybody at that age is so vain and preoccupied with their appearance and youthfulness.


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I always say to NW1.5's just to hold off on the finasteride and post an update in 6 months time.
Check out King-'s thread on this board - he is a NW1 with tiny diffusion (if that) and he is convinced he is close to NW6. We have told him many times he isn't balding


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Primo said:
So I'm assuming this thread was started in response to me suggesting the other day that this 19y/o should begin taking treatments...


Well I'm sorry Zid, but I stand by what I said there. If you look at the close up pictures you can clearly see where one of his temples has sharply receded... Sure this would be nothing major if he was a 25y/o, but it's quite an advanced looking hairline for a 19y/o ( I was at that exact same stage when I was 18/19).

He could wait until he was 23 and a NW3 like me, "just to be sure" that it was male pattern baldness, or he could act now while he still has a good Norwood and save himself a lot of stress and worry.

I understand your point, it's irresponsible of forum members to encourage people, teens and others with little or no sign of male pattern baldness to start treatments, but this guy clearly has more than just a "mature hairline" and if he doesn't act now he won't be rocking that long hair for much longer. 18-25 is the shittest time to lose hair because everybody at that age is so vain and preoccupied with their appearance and youthfulness.

Your response to that 19yo wasn't the sole reason I started this thread, you're not the only person I've seen encouraging NW1's get on finasteride. There's plenty of others.

Anyway, take a look at the Norwood chart: ... ldness.gif

and use it to determine what level of 'hairloss' he has, from this photo of him:


He's without question a NW1, I wouldn't even say he's a "NW1.1", if anything he maybe even has more hair than the 'NW1 guy' on the chart!

You're acting as if a mature hairline and mild recession equates to certain baldness. When we both know this isn't even close to the truth. No one is suggesting he does what you did and wait until he's a NW3, but from those pictures he's uploaded, he isn't suffering from anything other than paranoia, and that's all that you should have told him in my opinion.

You also mentioned you're saving him stress and anxiety by suggesting he get on finasteride right away, but you forgot to mention to him the potential side effects of finasteride which in many ways are a lot worse than the anxiety of a receding hairline. When you're 19, losing your hair is tantamount to losing your penis, so with you telling him he "definitely" is going bald, that kid's gonna do anything to get his hands on finasteride and minoxidil. And a lot of doctors aren't much better and will lackadaisically prescribe finasteride with the usual "don't worry, there are absolutely no side effects" - God only knows what their agenda is. Anyway, I just don't think it's right without firstly informing him of the (very) possible side effects of varying degrees associated with these drugs.

I appreciate you responding to this issue which evidently involved you, Primo. And I hope others on the forum give their 2 cents on this topic too. I urge you guys to check out the pic of that guy posted above and compare it to the chart and make a diagnosis. There's no way from those pictures that you can say definitively that he should get on meds.
And yes, I can understand the motives some members have when it comes to preventing others from going through the same depressing covering-up process they did when they first started balding - but in my opinion suggesting anyone with a full NW1, let alone a 19yo, take finasteride as a precaution to baldness is callous and severely misinformed.


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NW1s are frequently told to 'hop on finasteride' on this forum.

It's completely f*****g stupid but there's no stopping it.


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ZidanesCrown said:
LOL Read the very first word of my previous post - it's been done. As has the 'champ' route. Nice try though, lets get back on topic, yeah?

The point of this thread is to discuss the amount of paranoid NW1's and those who encourage them, not to troll and copy & paste things that have already been said. If you're not one of those who give out fallacious advice, then that's awesome, I'm not talking to/about you. So there's no need to take offense. I'm referring to those on here who tend to diagnose everyone as a sufferer of male pattern baldness, even NW1's. I've noticed it more than just once on this forum - and I know I'm not the only one.

Just relax pal, everything will be alright. You're gonna bust a vessel at this rate.


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SuprisedGuy said:
SuprisedGuy said:
ZidanesCrown - What Norwood are you? Are you losing your hair that is and how badly?

Just quoting my question, I guess you missed it.

C'mon dude! Stop that. Please stick to the topic. My Norwood rating or your Norwood rating has no bearing whatsoever on the issue at hand. I set up this thread to discuss the misinformation being given to NW1's, not for us to compare hairlines with one another. Please set up a new thread if you wish to discuss and compare hairlines with other members. And in future, please refrain from trolling - especially after I just posted a pertinent response to a member who genuinely wished to address the original issue.
If you legitimately wanted discuss my Norwood story you would have PM'd me - you and I both know this.

For those of us who wish to discuss the actual topic here, please refer to the previous few pages. Thanks guys. Here's my most recent response to Primo:

ZidanesCrown said:
Your response to that 19yo wasn't the sole reason I started this thread, you're not the only person I've seen encouraging NW1's get on finasteride. There's plenty of others.

Anyway, take a look at the Norwood chart: ... ldness.gif

and use it to determine what level of 'hairloss' he has, from this photo of him:


He's without question a NW1, I wouldn't even say he's a "NW1.1", if anything he maybe even has more hair than the 'NW1 guy' on the chart!

You're acting as if a mature hairline and mild recession equates to certain baldness. When we both know this isn't even close to the truth. No one is suggesting he does what you did and wait until he's a NW3, but from those pictures he's uploaded, he isn't suffering from anything other than paranoia, and that's all that you should have told him in my opinion.

You also mentioned you're saving him stress and anxiety by suggesting he get on finasteride right away, but you forgot to mention to him the potential side effects of finasteride which in many ways are a lot worse than the anxiety of a receding hairline. When you're 19, losing your hair is tantamount to losing your penis, so with you telling him he "definitely" is going bald, that kid's gonna do anything to get his hands on finasteride and minoxidil. And a lot of doctors aren't much better and will lackadaisically prescribe finasteride with the usual "don't worry, there are absolutely no side effects" - God only knows what their agenda is. Anyway, I just don't think it's right without firstly informing him of the (very) possible side effects of varying degrees associated with these drugs.

I appreciate you responding to this issue which evidently involved you, Primo. And I hope others on the forum give their 2 cents on this topic too. I urge you guys to check out the pic of that guy posted above and compare it to the chart and make a diagnosis. There's no way from those pictures that you can say definitively that he should get on meds.
And yes, I can understand the motives some members have when it comes to preventing others from going through the same depressing covering-up process they did when they first started balding - but in my opinion suggesting anyone with a full NW1, let alone a 19yo, take finasteride as a precaution to baldness is callous and severely misinformed.


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ZidanesCrown said:
PileOn said:
ZidanesCrown said:
Hey mate, sorry I touched a nerve. But there are actually a lot more threads on here that prove my point than there are threads that prove yours. Feel free to count them if you like, champ.
And even IF there was only one thread that proved my point, that's still one too many in my opinion. finasteride, minoxidil and whatever other drugs some of you guys use aren't things to be taken on a whim or as a precaution. They're not aspirin or paracetamol. They can have serious side effects.
I'm not actually sure what or who you're even defending either? The paranoid NW1's who think they'll be bald in a week if they don't start finasteride today, or the guys who recommend they hit the meds right now? Or it seems like maybe you're defending the people who are doing the right thing by suggesting those NW1's do not have male pattern baldness? In which case you're defending me, so thank you :)
The reason I joined this forum is because I have clear obvious signs of male pattern baldness, not a pristine NW1. Although if I did join this forum for the sole purpose of telling NW1's they have nothing to worry about, then so be it (this is, after all, what you're defending, right?). Thanks for the permission anyway, Dad.

This is the best I could do, OP.






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Thanks guys. Let's not resurrect petty bickering from two pages ago. Let's move on and get back on topic. I apologize if I offended anyone before, but there's a bigger issue at hand here.

Again, this is my most recent post to Primo:

ZidanesCrown said:
Your response to that 19yo wasn't the sole reason I started this thread, you're not the only person I've seen encouraging NW1's get on finasteride. There's plenty of others.

Anyway, take a look at the Norwood chart: ... ldness.gif

and use it to determine what level of 'hairloss' he has, from this photo of him:


He's without question a NW1, I wouldn't even say he's a "NW1.1", if anything he maybe even has more hair than the 'NW1 guy' on the chart!

You're acting as if a mature hairline and mild recession equates to certain baldness. When we both know this isn't even close to the truth. No one is suggesting he does what you did and wait until he's a NW3, but from those pictures he's uploaded, he isn't suffering from anything other than paranoia, and that's all that you should have told him in my opinion.

You also mentioned you're saving him stress and anxiety by suggesting he get on finasteride right away, but you forgot to mention to him the potential side effects of finasteride which in many ways are a lot worse than the anxiety of a receding hairline. When you're 19, losing your hair is tantamount to losing your penis, so with you telling him he "definitely" is going bald, that kid's gonna do anything to get his hands on finasteride and minoxidil. And a lot of doctors aren't much better and will lackadaisically prescribe finasteride with the usual "don't worry, there are absolutely no side effects" - God only knows what their agenda is. Anyway, I just don't think it's right without firstly informing him of the (very) possible side effects of varying degrees associated with these drugs.

I appreciate you responding to this issue which evidently involved you, Primo. And I hope others on the forum give their 2 cents on this topic too. I urge you guys to check out the pic of that guy posted above and compare it to the chart and make a diagnosis. There's no way from those pictures that you can say definitively that he should get on meds.
And yes, I can understand the motives some members have when it comes to preventing others from going through the same depressing covering-up process they did when they first started balding - but in my opinion suggesting anyone with a full NW1, let alone a 19yo, take finasteride as a precaution to baldness is callous and severely misinformed.


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ZidanesCrown said:
SuprisedGuy said:
SuprisedGuy said:
ZidanesCrown - What Norwood are you? Are you losing your hair that is and how badly?

Just quoting my question, I guess you missed it.

C'mon dude! Stop that. Please stick to the topic. My Norwood rating or your Norwood rating has no bearing whatsoever on the issue at hand. I set up this thread to discuss the misinformation being given to NW1's, not for us to compare hairlines with one another. Please set up a new thread if you wish to discuss and compare hairlines with other members. And in future, please refrain from trolling - especially after I just posted a pertinent response to a member who genuinely wished to address the original issue.
If you legitimately wanted discuss my Norwood story you would have PM'd me - you and I both know this.

For those of us who wish to discuss the actual topic here, please refer to the previous few pages. Thanks guys. Here's my most recent response to Primo:

ZidanesCrown said:
Your response to that 19yo wasn't the sole reason I started this thread, you're not the only person I've seen encouraging NW1's get on finasteride. There's plenty of others.

Anyway, take a look at the Norwood chart: ... ldness.gif

and use it to determine what level of 'hairloss' he has, from this photo of him:


He's without question a NW1, I wouldn't even say he's a "NW1.1", if anything he maybe even has more hair than the 'NW1 guy' on the chart!

You're acting as if a mature hairline and mild recession equates to certain baldness. When we both know this isn't even close to the truth. No one is suggesting he does what you did and wait until he's a NW3, but from those pictures he's uploaded, he isn't suffering from anything other than paranoia, and that's all that you should have told him in my opinion.

You also mentioned you're saving him stress and anxiety by suggesting he get on finasteride right away, but you forgot to mention to him the potential side effects of finasteride which in many ways are a lot worse than the anxiety of a receding hairline. When you're 19, losing your hair is tantamount to losing your penis, so with you telling him he "definitely" is going bald, that kid's gonna do anything to get his hands on finasteride and minoxidil. And a lot of doctors aren't much better and will lackadaisically prescribe finasteride with the usual "don't worry, there are absolutely no side effects" - God only knows what their agenda is. Anyway, I just don't think it's right without firstly informing him of the (very) possible side effects of varying degrees associated with these drugs.

I appreciate you responding to this issue which evidently involved you, Primo. And I hope others on the forum give their 2 cents on this topic too. I urge you guys to check out the pic of that guy posted above and compare it to the chart and make a diagnosis. There's no way from those pictures that you can say definitively that he should get on meds.
And yes, I can understand the motives some members have when it comes to preventing others from going through the same depressing covering-up process they did when they first started balding - but in my opinion suggesting anyone with a full NW1, let alone a 19yo, take finasteride as a precaution to baldness is callous and severely misinformed.



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IUbball22 said:
Would you rather treat your hair loss at <nw2 when it's easier to preserve hair, or wait until >nw2 and hope to regrow when regrowth is much more rare? I vote for the former.

Also, thanks for linking my story, never considered myself a nw1

Hey IUbball22, If you know all the risks involved with the drugs you're about to take, and you still want to take them for your NW1 hairline, then that's entirely your own decision. But keep in mind, it isn't the simple 1 + 1 = 2 decision that you think it is. I just don't want you (or anyone else in a similar situation) to start a lifetime of body & mind altering pills based on a misdiagnosis. I'd be curious to hear what your Doctor has to say about your immaculate hairline. I'll check in on your thread for updates, but like I said to you there, I think your hairline is fine at the moment.


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ZidanesCrown said:
C'mon dude! Stop that. Please stick to the topic. My Norwood rating or your Norwood rating has no bearing whatsoever on the issue at hand. I set up this thread to discuss the misinformation being given to NW1's, not for us to compare hairlines with one another. Please set up a new thread if you wish to discuss and compare hairlines with other members. And in future, please refrain from trolling - especially after I just posted a pertinent response to a member who genuinely wished to address the original issue.
If you legitimately wanted discuss my Norwood story you would have PM'd me - you and I both know this.

What's matter with you? First of all I'm not trolling, I have a number of threads showing my progress in treating my own hair loss. And PM you? I've never pm'd anyone on this forum and why would I PM you for such a simple question. I just asked because other members who have pretty bad male pattern baldness express irritation when younger guys with less obvious balding post threads. I'm not saying that's the case with you and I agree telling NW1's to hop on treatments may not be the best move but your seriously way out of line in your response to me.


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Don't take it personally SuprisedGuy, he just seems to get off on being a bit of a dick to people and trying to impose his superior opinions.

I think most people agree in principle with what he's saying, but have a problem with his attitude (and rightly so).

He's clearly here to stir things up; the way he writes shows he's articulate and probably quite intelligent. Therefore I'm certain he knows *exactly* what the response to a new member showing up and trying to lay down his law would be.

As I've said already, I believe he only set up this account to troll the forum. If he has a genuine concern, I'm sure he has the intelligence to know the polite way to get his opinions across instead of the bombastic approach he's taken here.


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Firstly, SurprisedGuy what's the heck is wrong with you?? If you wouldn't mind explaining, what does it matter if I'm a hundred years old with a NW7 or twelve years old with a NW1? I honestly don't see how it relates to the original issue? You asked me the same thing twice as well. Why? You saw that this thread was already deviating from it's original destination, and you insisted on hastening it's derailment by repeating an irrelevant question. You can act confused all you want, the fact of the matter is, repeating your question was unnecessary.

Secondly, GeminiX please.. You're the first person who started calling people "Troll" and "Dick", read through all my posts, the worst I managed was "Dad". I may be a new member, but I'm certainly not new to the world of male pattern baldness and the lengths some will go to prevent it. I've been reading this forum for a while now and never really felt the urge to join, but I felt I had to speak up against these misinformed members encouraging NW1's to get on finasteride ASAP. It is, in my opinion, utterly inexcusable.

You can make all the accusations you want, in a desperate attempt to make every thread about yourself, that's your choice. I'm here to help, not to add my 2 cents to threads that don't concern me, or to spam threads with pictures of Kanye and Pandas f*cking.

In response to your claim:

"If he has a genuine concern, I'm sure he has the intelligence to know the polite way to get his opinions across instead of the bombastic approach he's taken here."

Here's my original post (before you attempted to hijack this thread with your ridiculous accusations and shenanigans):

ZidanesCrown said:
Has anyone else noticed there's a WHOLE BUNCH of paranoid NW1's on this forum, concerned about their 'hairloss' wanting advice on 'what to do next' and instead of members saying "mate, you're a NW1, don't even worry about it" or whatever, they're suggesting he start the big 3... Surely I'm not the only one to pick up on this?

Wow I'm really "laying down the law" there huh?

Let me get this straight, in your mind, I'm a NW1 who has absolutely no experience with finasteride or minoxidil or any other types of miracle hair regrowth procedures, who joined this forum solely to troll and rock the boat with my completely harmless thread entitled "Has anyone else noticed? So many NW1's here" Ok well, if that makes sense in your head, then that's fine.

Whatever the case may be, I still believe the original purpose of this thread should be addressed. There are mods on here who seem to do nothing when obvious errors in judgment are being made all the time which could possibly see a perfectly normal NW1 individual unnecessarily jump on the finasteride bandwagon for life. I've had people on here tell me things like "hey relax it's just the internet", that couldn't be further from the truth. This isn't just the internet. These are actual human beings, taking your advice - in real life! Young men who, in many instances, are clueless about what they're potentially getting themselves into. My one and only motive for starting this thread was to shed some light on this issue which, from my perspective at least, was running rampant on these boards.
Some of you have even said things like "Oh there's just as many threads on here that disprove your claims" Which is great! BUT realistically, the consequences of deciding to not get on finasteride too soon, are tremendously outweighed by the consequences of taking finasteride for a NW1 hairline. The worst that can happen by holding off before you start finasteride is that you may lose a few more strands of hair, on the flip side however, jumping on finasteride impulsively without first understanding it's effect on the body and it's side effects can be catastrophic.

I just don't think a desperate, impressionable, naive kid in his late teens or early 20's, who believes he's balding because his mother's brother's cousin went bald at 80, is going to fully appreciate the nature of what physiological changes must first take place in the human body in order to regrow something as seemingly insignificant as a follicle of hair.

That's honestly the only reason I felt the need to start this thread.


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@ZidanesCrown, You're really excitable aren't you; relax and stop being so defensive. You might find people are more open to your comments then.

Just to be clear my first response on this thread was an observation about *you* talking down to another member who disagreed with you, calling him "champ" and "dad"; mild yes, but your intent was clear. My post was an attempt to point out that you're coming across like a dick. I agree in principle about not recommending drugs of any kind to anyone; clearly you missed that.

Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the reason your posts are going down like a lead balloon is to do with *you* and not anything else?
(There's no need for another "wall of text" response, it's a rhetorical question).

Bottom line, try working on your people skills and be less offensive when you talk to people, you might find people will be more eager to chat to you. Alternatively, carry on like this and be generally ignored or baited; your call.


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GeminiX said:
@ZidanesCrown, You're really excitable aren't you; relax and stop being so defensive. You might find people are more open to your comments then.

Just to be clear my first response on this thread was an observation about *you* talking down to another member who disagreed with you, calling him "champ" and "dad"; mild yes, but your intent was clear. My post was an attempt to point out that you're coming across like a dick. I agree in principle about not recommending drugs of any kind to anyone; clearly you missed that.

Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the reason your posts are going down like a lead balloon is to do with *you* and not anything else?
(There's no need for another "wall of text" response, it's a rhetorical question).

Bottom line, try working on your people skills and be less offensive when you talk to people, you might find people will be more eager to chat to you. Alternatively, carry on like this and be generally ignored or baited; your call.

Ok. I'll be happy to work on my people skills so long as something is done about the abundance of wrongly diagnosed NW1's on this forum. Sounds like a fair deal to me.
Apologies for my brashness, and to you as well SurprisedGuy, no disrespect, it's just that it's really an issue of personal significance to me. You're right, I can get a little to worked up about it all. I just don't like the thought of some young kid getting in over his head with something that could easily have been averted.


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Sorry Zid, firstly that 19y/o kid, definitely has a NW2, with thinning temples which will only continue to thin the longer he leaves it untreated. I had the exact same hairline at 19 and it progressed rapidly, in the space of 3 years. I'm not an expert on crown thinning, I admit that, but I know a juvenile receding hairline when I see one, after all I had one myself since I was 17. He is definitely NOT a NW1, look at the pictures again please.

If you read my post on his thread, you'll notice I said "TRY finasteride and IF you get side effects TRY minoxidil instead".

I'm certainly not pro-finasteride, I got sides from the drug myself, but there are many people on this forum who've taken it for years and had no problems, so trialing for say a 1week period is not going to cause irrepairable damage & obviously if sides happen, then get off it immediately.

I also mentioned he should consider minoxidil, which also has question marks against its safety. The long term cardiovascular effects of minoxidil are still unknown, but for myself and millions others this is a risk worth taking because the alternative is having your youthfulness stripped away from you at the age of 19.

I want to enjoy my 20s. For me the decision was simple, meds or shave it all off because I couldn't be arsed anymore with fiddling around with my badly receded hair in the mirror for an hour every morning, desperately trying to make it look half-decent.

No drug is 100% safe, but if someone is serious about halting hairloss they have take 1 of those 2, it is the unpalatable truth, so it is important to encourage people to attempt with caution, rather than scaremongering them about these meds so much that they resort to a bullshit vitamin regimen or an over-priced, hackjob, hair transplant.