Is it just me? So many NW1's on this forum


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Has anyone else noticed there's a WHOLE BUNCH of paranoid NW1's on this forum, concerned about their 'hairloss' wanting advice on 'what to do next' and instead of members saying "mate, you're a NW1, don't even worry about it" or whatever, they're suggesting he start the big 3... Surely I'm not the only one to pick up on this?


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Everyones hairloss has to start somewhere and if you're a NW1 and notice your hair changing then i suppose this is the best place to come. I bet most people on this forum,myself included wish they had started treatments sooner so I dont think we should be critical of people trying to do just that.


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I've read posts on this forum from a lot of people who are hating on those slybaldguys for over promoting the shaved head look. I think there's a similar thing going on here with individuals encouraging guys with thick full heads of NW1 hair to get on meds before it's 'too late'. Following this logic; if you don't have a perfectly square hairline or you've noticed hair on your pillow (ie: The entire male population) you should be on the big 3...?


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So many = how many? Only seen a few and male pattern baldness has to start somewhere right? NW1 moving onto NW2 is usually where it starts. Better to catch it early than late.


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ZidanesCrown said:
Has anyone else noticed there's a WHOLE BUNCH of paranoid NW1's on this forum, concerned about their 'hairloss' wanting advice on 'what to do next' and instead of members saying "mate, you're a NW1, don't even worry about it" or whatever, they're suggesting he start the big 3... Surely I'm not the only one to pick up on this?

Just to counter your observation



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ZidanesCrown said:
PileOn said:

There's a bunch of threads that prove my point. Rifle through each thread if you don't believe me, I'm sure you'll find them. There's more than just one

And there are plenty of threads that show the opposite. It's not that I don't believe you, I just wanted to show that users on this forum don't copy&paste "Big 3" whenever someone comes on here thinking they have male pattern baldness when in fact they do not or at least not yet.

I'm guessing you've joined to tell NW1s that they have nothing to worry about. If that's the case, carry on.


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I'm glad I'm not a NW3 before I decided to catch it.

Sometimes I wonder how some of you that are in your 20s waited so long before treating your loss. The second mine changed at all I was on this forum looking up solutions.


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PileOn said:
ZidanesCrown said:
PileOn said:

There's a bunch of threads that prove my point. Rifle through each thread if you don't believe me, I'm sure you'll find them. There's more than just one

And there are plenty of threads that show the opposite. It's not that I don't believe you, I just wanted to show that users on this forum don't copy&paste "Big 3" whenever someone comes on here thinking they have male pattern baldness when in fact they do not or at least not yet.

I'm guessing you've joined to tell NW1s that they have nothing to worry about. If that's the case, carry on.

Hey mate, sorry I touched a nerve. But there are actually a lot more threads on here that prove my point than there are threads that prove yours. Feel free to count them if you like, champ.
And even IF there was only one thread that proved my point, that's still one too many in my opinion. finasteride, minoxidil and whatever other drugs some of you guys use aren't things to be taken on a whim or as a precaution. They're not aspirin or paracetamol. They can have serious side effects.
I'm not actually sure what or who you're even defending either? The paranoid NW1's who think they'll be bald in a week if they don't start finasteride today, or the guys who recommend they hit the meds right now? Or it seems like maybe you're defending the people who are doing the right thing by suggesting those NW1's do not have male pattern baldness? In which case you're defending me, so thank you :)
The reason I joined this forum is because I have clear obvious signs of male pattern baldness, not a pristine NW1. Although if I did join this forum for the sole purpose of telling NW1's they have nothing to worry about, then so be it (this is, after all, what you're defending, right?). Thanks for the permission anyway, Dad.


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ZidanesCrown said:
Hey mate, sorry I touched a nerve. But there are actually a lot more threads on here that prove my point than there are threads that prove yours. Feel free to count them if you like, champ.
And even IF there was only one thread that proved my point, that's still one too many in my opinion. finasteride, minoxidil and whatever other drugs some of you guys use aren't things to be taken on a whim or as a precaution. They're not aspirin or paracetamol. They can have serious side effects.
I'm not actually sure what or who you're even defending either? The paranoid NW1's who think they'll be bald in a week if they don't start finasteride today, or the guys who recommend they hit the meds right now? Or it seems like maybe you're defending the people who are doing the right thing by suggesting those NW1's do not have male pattern baldness? In which case you're defending me, so thank you :)
The reason I joined this forum is because I have clear obvious signs of male pattern baldness, not a pristine NW1. Although if I did join this forum for the sole purpose of telling NW1's they have nothing to worry about, then so be it (this is, after all, what you're defending, right?). Thanks for the permission anyway, Dad.

When you make posts like that and refer to someone as "champ" or "dad", it just looks like you made an account here to troll and try to cause an argument.


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Half turnstile is catching it early, sorry if you did not.


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GeminiX said:
ZidanesCrown said:
Hey mate, sorry I touched a nerve. But there are actually a lot more threads on here that prove my point than there are threads that prove yours. Feel free to count them if you like, champ.
And even IF there was only one thread that proved my point, that's still one too many in my opinion. finasteride, minoxidil and whatever other drugs some of you guys use aren't things to be taken on a whim or as a precaution. They're not aspirin or paracetamol. They can have serious side effects.
I'm not actually sure what or who you're even defending either? The paranoid NW1's who think they'll be bald in a week if they don't start finasteride today, or the guys who recommend they hit the meds right now? Or it seems like maybe you're defending the people who are doing the right thing by suggesting those NW1's do not have male pattern baldness? In which case you're defending me, so thank you :)
The reason I joined this forum is because I have clear obvious signs of male pattern baldness, not a pristine NW1. Although if I did join this forum for the sole purpose of telling NW1's they have nothing to worry about, then so be it (this is, after all, what you're defending, right?). Thanks for the permission anyway, Dad.

When you make posts like that and refer to someone as "champ" or "dad", it just looks like you made an account here to troll and try to cause an argument.

Please don't insinuate I'm doing anything other than engaging in a point/counter-point discussion. Especially when your post was the first post in this entire thread that deviated from my original statement. Calling someone champ or dad doesn't constitute an argument. Lets get back on topic!


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ZidanesCrown said:
Please don't insinuate I'm doing anything other than engaging in a point/counter-point discussion. Especially when your post was the first post in this entire thread that deviated from my original statement. Calling someone champ or dad doesn't constitute an argument. Lets get back on topic!

I wasn't insinuating, what I meant was quite clear. You're behaving like a troll, simple.

If you want a discussion, instead of asking people to check *your* claims, how about *you* check them first?

Run along and you read every post here, then you add up the totals and tell us what you find.

You might even be right, but until then, /shoo troll.


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GeminiX said:
ZidanesCrown said:
Please don't insinuate I'm doing anything other than engaging in a point/counter-point discussion. Especially when your post was the first post in this entire thread that deviated from my original statement. Calling someone champ or dad doesn't constitute an argument. Lets get back on topic!

I wasn't insinuating, what I meant was quite clear. You're behaving like a troll, simple.

If you want a discussion, instead of asking people to check *your* claims, how about *you* check them first?

Run along and you read every post here, then you add up the totals and tell us what you find.

You might even be right, but until then, /shoo troll.

"A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community"

I'm on topic, you're off topic. You're the troll. The End.


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Simple solution for you then champ; as you're unhappy with the forum, simply read each new post and when it's someone who is asking about their hair loss and you feel they are NW1 and don't need to worry, just respond with your views.

The end!

(This isn't usually how I respond to posts, I'm just trying out your style to see if it works; I'm not convinced)


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Kind bored to be honest :)

Thing is, this is a public forum. We get people who will pounce on drugs, we get people who like herbs, and we even have some people who are fine with losing hair; it's all good.

All I'll add is that, were it not for the information I gained on this very forum 7 years ago, I would would now be wearing a wig; that makes me more than a little bit loyal.


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GeminiX said:
Simple solution for you then champ; as you're unhappy with the forum, simply read each new post and when it's someone who is asking about their hair loss and you feel they are NW1 and don't need to worry, just respond with your views.

The end!

(This isn't usually how I respond to posts, I'm just trying out your style to see if it works; I'm not convinced)

Relax. This is a discussion not an argument. That's what this forum is all about; discussing issues relating to hairloss, not for you to scream 'troll!' at the first sign someone is making a valid point for which you have no reply. Evidently you've posted thousands of times - you do know you don't actually need to inspect every thread and add your 2 cents, right?
Stick to the original topic next time, instead of accusing me of trolling my own thread. Cheers.