Is It Just Me Or Does This Happen To You Too?

g.i joey

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It seems like the only people who point out my hairloss are those who are balding. It gets me fkn nervous that these people are so insecure that they feel the need to point out something on someone else which is OBVIOUSLY happening to them. NEVER in my life has a full head mentioned or pointed out my hairline but it seems like all my acquaintances/friends who are balding love to point it out on others. Me personally, i feel too bad to point out hair loss on anyone, despite them being a friend or someone i whole heartedly hate.


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You're a good person for not mocking someone for something they cannot control, and are already probably very insecure about. People that point things like this out are just horrible. I haven't had anyone do it to me yet, although I assume it will happen eventually since my entire head is now see through no matter how I style it.

You are right, they are insecure about their own hairloss and are using verbal weaponry first, to both make themselves feel better about their situation and give them the "upper hand".

Another reason is that most people with full heads of hair have never even thought about hair loss... never thinking about hair loss equates to not really noticing it in others, or simply not caring and not making a deal out of it.


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I've only had a few people point it out. One guy was just an ugly douche who was happy I was losing my hair because misery loves company. Another was a friend who sympathized, and immediately showed me his own hair loss. Everyone has different motives for pointing it out. If they are your friends you can probably assume they mean well. Acquaintences may have negative motives, but not always.


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It's a weak blow? And very low to point something out that someone has no control over. I will typically call people out for being dumb, broke and on traits they can change but stooping to that level is pretty sad.

I have known full heads who were experts on noticing hair loss, usually the *** holes who point it out. The only balding guys who point it out are usually the ones who are bald

g.i joey

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Idk what it is, I guess it's because I'm stuck at the stage where idk if people notice my hair loss or not. So when a balding person points it out I just feel as it doesn't have to do with my level of baldness more so than making them feel better about themselves.

I mean if full heads and girls and family were to point out my hariloss id probably just go ahead and shave it cause I mean I wouldn't be fooling anyone. But when it comes from people who are worst off than me hair wise it just doesn't make sense to me. Does it really make them feel better about themselves?


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They all know you are balding but choose to not point it out. Its the idiots with no inhibition who point it out.

Its not hard to notice.


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I understand your frustration, but to be fair I have had moments where I would point out someone's hairloss only to tell them about finasteride and dutasteride etc. It can litteraly help someone to point it out but I would never, ever walk up to a random person and tell them about their hairloss just to mock them or anything.


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There's no way of knowing if someone will notice or not, it seems to be a case by case basis in my experience.

I've seen fullheads call out people for receding hairlines, and I've seen others who don't appear to notice.

The majority of people don't seem to register anything <NW3 as a balding person, but you can never be sure, the possibility is always there.

I didn't even know a receding hairline was a thing until I was pretty much NW2.5 myself.

Anyone who makes a joke out of someone's hairloss is a douche, whether their intentions are mean or not.


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The high fade and good density helps but the angle of the picture is to hard for me to give a proper judgment.

I didn't notice I was balding until NW2 but I can tell you first hand anything over and everyone will notice. Those with good temple points and hairline density lie Henry cavill for example are a hit or miss. Some people won't notice ad others will


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It just looks like a mature hairline. You're not at the point where you should shave it yet. Just because it's noticeable doesn't mean it looks bad. For example, Pierce Brosnan has noticeable hair loss, but you can't say he doesn't have good hair. Most guys have to lose quite a bit more than you have before it looks better shaved.