Is It Androgenetic Alopecia? Am I really balding? 22 years old n' nervous



Hello, I saw some people discussing norwood scales on another forum and submitted my pictures out of curiosity. They all told me I was a NW2.5, doomed without intervention and to get on finasteride and basically sent me into a world of paranoia and research. This particular forum isn't the most credible place on the net however so I thought I'd come here with some higher res pics and ask people of greater knowledge. I also am planning to visit the dermatologist later this month and ask for his/her opinion.

Here are the pics (very hi res, near 1mb each):


note: I notice that there seems to be a .5" zone of sparse hair (of normal length) before a more pronounced hairline that starts behind it. I'm afraid that the thicker hair is where my current hairline is and the hairs after it are just what is left of fast-dying territory. These show what I am talking about:hairline_closeup2.jpg hairline_closeup.jpgzones.jpg

Family history:
Father - 52 - [PICS OF HAIR (ages left to right 48, 49, 34)] high hairline, naturally fine hair, recessed temples, crown thinning within the last 3 years but he does not look bald (though these pics seem revealing) and nobody seems to call him balding in real life
Mother - 59 - very thick, shiny, healthy, hair, hairline dips in a bit in the temples as well
Sisters - 30 - high hairlines, don't know/can't remember their temples, texted one of them and she said her temples were "thin" and "high"
Maternal Grandfather - 83 - very thick hair, from memory but an nw2 at most (this guy has very good genetics for aging on all fronts)
Paternal Grandfather - 90 - thick hair for his age, sort of white version of my father's hair, looks like he has my hairline, tbh
Paternal Great Grandfather - deceased - was slick bald in his early 20s - this is the only family member I know of that is bald.

Personal history:
Oy, I really never paid much attention to my hairline and unfortunately sported a beiber haircut till just last year so I don't have many photos to compare my current hairline to. My fear is that I've been covering it up all this time now only witnessing the damage when I want to transition to a more mature hairstyle....:shock:

At 14 I had full temples, the typical juvenile hairline.

I recall for at least the past 4 years having to constantly brush my hair forwards to cover up gaps in my hair (where my temples were recessed). My mother has made comments half-jokingly in the same time frame ("you're going bald", "whatever, baldy", etc) so it's not all in my head. One thing is for certain... I have much more bare temples than most people my age and have had them for a while.

I am not shedding abnormally. I see a few hairs when I brush my hands through my hair, no more than anybody else.

Do I want to say this is a mature hairline? Do I want to say I was genetically blessed with bare temples (like my mother and father) as my adult hairline? Yes. Did I rush out and buy my first month of propecia and mentally prepare myself to take it if it turns out I'm balding? Yes.

What do you all think?

Also, am I correct in thinking a dermatologist will be able to tell me whether or not I'm balding?

Thanks in advance.


Experienced Member
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hi! I am no expert so can't tell you for sure what Norwood you are. but it looks like your hair is thinning. Go and see your dermatologist!


Established Member
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OP, you have Androgenetic Alopecia. Seeing a derm anyway is not a bad idea. Keep us posted