Is It And Worth It And How Should I Go About Getting A Transplant If I Should Get One At All?


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Hi there. I am 21 and have recently been prescribed Propecia /Finasteride by my Dermatologist. I have yet to try it due to some anxiety about taking it, but ultimately I think I will at least give it a shot. I still have a full head of hair on my crown it is just the frontal thinning I’m looking to treat. I’m say I’m a somewhere in the realm of a Norwood 2, but it I don’t get treated I could slowly become a 3 with a lot of diffuse thinning like my 57 year old dad is.The progression seems to be slow as it hasn’t changed much since I was 17 and I don’t notice a lot of hair falling out.

My biggest concern is how I go about treating this long term. I have phoned my local transplant clinic and he said to try the pills for a year and then contact him if I want to get a minor transplant to fix up my hairline and temples a bit. My only concern is how will I know if the pills are working and how long will they work for long term? I have heard contradictions all over the internet with some say it will eventually lose most effectiveness and others saying it could last anywhere from 15 years to a lifetime. I’d like to know because I don’t see the point fixing up the front a bit if is eventually going to thin in the crown no matter what I do. What would I do if I got the transplant I wanted and then that happened?

It is definitely bothering me as I have OCD and body dysmorphia so I’d like to get control of this and move on with my life as soon as I can. I also feel guilty because my wonderful parents are willing to pay for a transplant since I can’t myself. As long as it helps my mental health they are willing to. Anyway sorry if this turned into more of a vent than a question.If anyone has had similar worries or have been through the whole transplant process could you please share some of your knowledge and advice with me? It would be much appreciated:)