Is inhibiting DHT always a good thing?


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I absolutely stopped my hair loss with Avodart. Propecia didn´t work. And I´ve been using Avodart for 4 years without any side effects and I can´t even shed a single follicule.

But I´m concerned about what inhibitng DHT means. From what I´ve read, DHT is mainly bad, so why do we have it then?, is it only useful in puberty and becomes useless after a male has completely reached adulthood?.

Does inhibiting DHT increases testosterone?, and that is a good thing?.

If I use avodart am I eliminating absolutely all the DHT?, like I said, I´ve been using it for 4 years without side effects but I´m just concerned about its long terms effects because its working so good that I don´t see why quit it.


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It's only "bad" for for making your hair fall out. I'm pretty sure all men still need it.

G k

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avillax said:
I absolutely stopped my hair loss with Avodart. Propecia didn´t work. And I´ve been using Avodart for 4 years without any side effects and I can´t even shed a single follicule.

But I´m concerned about what inhibitng DHT means. From what I´ve read, DHT is mainly bad, so why do we have it then?, is it only useful in puberty and becomes useless after a male has completely reached adulthood?.

Does inhibiting DHT increases testosterone?, and that is a good thing?.

If I use avodart am I eliminating absolutely all the DHT?, like I said, I´ve been using it for 4 years without side effects but I´m just concerned about its long terms effects because its working so good that I don´t see why quit it.

Its not bad in any way, shape or form. Its actually necessary for healthy hormonal balance.

Its responsible for collagen production in skin, healthy joints and bones, liver health, brain health...just about everything. The only negative aspect of this I'm aware of is hair loss.

Otherwise the people who do experience bad sides from DHT inhibition essentially go through andropause and become old men. Skin sags, breasts develops, libido and sexual function decreases or ceases to exist, bad eye sight, ear ringing, inability to properly digest food....

Yes its a long list but all this has been reported.

If you have not experienced sides consider yourself lucky, but not in the clear so long as you continue to take it. For some it takes years to devlop sides, others its right away.

Good luck, and congrats on keeping your hair.


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Hi G_K

Can you elaborate on the Collagen/skin DHT effects? Also, your talking about dutasteride only right? i heard finasteride doesnt block that DHT enzyme (only the other, right?)

So, for those who take finasteride, which one's of the SE u mention can happen?


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Saw this on another hairloss website (don't know if I can mention it):

"Propecia Side Effects - Fact Or Fiction

June 24, 2010

Fear mongering anti-Propecia videos and websites are popping up all over the internet making the decision to effectively treat hair loss even more confusing. Should consumers be legitimately concerned by claims of permanent long term adverse side effects from the drug, or are these videos and websites simply agenda driven anti-Propecia propaganda?

IAHRS accepted member William H. Reed, M.D. discusses his findings of an informal study in which he polled 17 hair restoration practices that have treated more than 30,0000 patients with the drug.

The bottom line: Out of more than 30,000 patients who were prescribed Propecia, not a single one has ever complained of long-term irreversible side effects of any kind."


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avillax said:
I absolutely stopped my hair loss with Avodart. Propecia didn´t work. And I´ve been using Avodart for 4 years without any side effects and I can´t even shed a single follicule.

But I´m concerned about what inhibitng DHT means. From what I´ve read, DHT is mainly bad, so why do we have it then?, is it only useful in puberty and becomes useless after a male has completely reached adulthood?.

Does inhibiting DHT increases testosterone?, and that is a good thing?.

If I use avodart am I eliminating absolutely all the DHT?, like I said, I´ve been using it for 4 years without side effects but I´m just concerned about its long terms effects because its working so good that I don´t see why quit it.

Interesting that you got no effect from propecia, but a very good one with dutasteride...


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Excess DHT causes prostate cancer which is much more serious than hair loss, not to mention the pain. The keyword is: excess.


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Can we assume then that since I'm not getting any side effects yet then it means that Avodart is inhibiting just the excess of DHT, and I still have some normal DHT in my organism which is healthy and I'm a lucky genius?.

Or I'm just delusional?.

Is it possible to go to a lab for them to take a blook sample or something and tell me if I have healthy levels of testosteron/DHT /estrogen or whatever, I mean it would be good to have evidence of being healthy under this drug as opposed to fear all the time that I'm doing something bad to me.


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Avillax id take a test for that, and yes they do have tests out there for that. Also please post us your results because that would answer alot of questions to the folks on this forum.

I would be very excited to hear about your test results, hell infact you may even convince me to get on the "dutasteride train" and im that guy that is afraid of internals.

I am going to do more reseach on DHT levels and prostate health, as well as DHT levels and Cancer just to see if maby lowering DHT isnt as bad after all for long term health. I figure ill put on another 40 pounds of muscle and just maintain what i have hehe :)


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Finasteride has been excessively studied since the 90´s and is well tolerated by the vast majority of it´s users- even young men. New data also suggests the drug is safe for longer periods (5 years ++).
Not that much data exists on dutasteride, but in terms of side effects, it´s strangely enough not more side effects on dutasteride than on finasteride. It, too, seems to be well tolerated.

Inhibiting alpha reductase enzymes does not remove DHT- it lowers it.
And, even though testosterone is, by some considered a pro- hormone, a precursor for the "real deal- DHT", testosterone is still bio- active: albeit with a lower affinity for the androgen receptor than DHT.


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where do you check your test/dht levels? my doctor claimed it was too difficult and inaccurate.. :dunno:


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Well if you want me to take a test, I ned to know what to test, what's the name of the test, and what values are good.