Is Inductivity Needed To Enlarge Miniaturized Follicles Or Just To Create New Follicles?


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The discussions about inductivity makes me wonder if inductivity is truly necessary to prompt already existing miniaturized follicles to enlarge. The research effort into inductivity seems like it might be an effort specifically to create new follicles. But what if you still have all of your follicles but they've just miniaturized? This makes me wonder more and more whether inductivity is even necessary for making existing miniaturized follicles enlarge again and produce long thick hairs again.

Perhaps the only reason injected cells don't grow more than a shitty amount of hair is because only so many of the cells land on the "sweet spot" (therapeutic area) when the cells are injected. If you inject a zillion cells into the scalp only a fraction of them will land on the proper spot on the follicle to do any good. And once the "sweet spot" fills up with cells there's no space left at that spot so other cells can't land there because there's no room left there for them to land on. Only so many cells can fit on the "sweet spot" and the rest of the cells could go elsewhere and do nothing.

And the follicles would use the cells that landed in the sweet spot for the fuel needed to enlarge the follicles and then the sweet spot would be empty again. So cells could land there again if more cells got injected.

If this is the case, then Shiseido's plan to do repeat injections of Replice's technology could result in a breakthrough if the cells are injected frequently enough.

The above is all conjecture. But I can't think of any reason why it can't be true and correct. And if it is correct then Shiseido's repeat treatements could produce better results than Replicel with it's one treatment date.
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