Is Head & Shoulders causing hair loss?


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I started using Head & Shoulders shampoo last year. After a few months on H&S I noticed a small bald spot (from an accident) I had on the top of my head towards the back seemed a little larger, but dismissed it for just being the way the hair was pushed. However, lately when I switched to a new Head & Shoulders formula, my hair started rapidly thinning to the point where theres a line of almost baldness with the hair going in either direction the way it grows on the crown of my head.

After some research online, it seems like others are reporting this issue as well including teenagers and its all occurring on the same part of the head.

I'm 21 with thick hair and absolutely no Male Pattern Baldness in the family. The fact that this is happening so rapidly has left me wondering whether or not it actually is male pattern baldness or if it's a reaction to the shampoo that only a small number of people get.

Information on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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That's a good question. I tried Head and Shoulders years ago but for some reason I always felt that I lossed a lot of hair after using it. It probably had nothing to do though with the shampoo. It was at my early stages of male pattern baldness. I use Dove shampoo and rotate it with Pantene- Pro v and then nizoral twice a week and they all seem to work great.


Senior Member
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Not the expert - but one should probably only use H&S 1 - 2x weekly. There's something out there about it actually having a thinning effect on the the hair. Also - some guys have a problem w/ the zinc content.


Established Member
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I don't think is the H&S that's actually causing the hair loss.

I think it's the fact that male pattern baldness makes people switch to H&S early on because of the sebum/dandruff/inflammation in the balding areas.


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Its funny that you mention this. I recently tried H & S and believe it accelerated my loss. I discontinued use after about three weeks. I went back to American Crew and my scalp feels so much better.