Is creatine still the king?


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I'd rather take CEE or Kre-Alkalyn since it's cheaper and you don't have to take as much. Lately, Kre-Alkalyn has been my favorite one.


made_guy82 said:
i've always wondered why people don't take this questions to bodybuilding/fitness specific websites.... no gripe, just think it would be more efficient.

1.) Too lazy to search out and join another forum.

2.) Don't wanna risk the scorn of that being my first post and being yelled at for asking a newbie question w/out searching :p

That's why they created this specific forum in this website right? I asked a pretty basic/general question anyways so this should be suitable with all of the meatheads (no pun intended!) hanging around here!


Lorenzo_91 said:
Creatine is still king. Monohydrate either works for you or not. You can be a responder or not. If you are a responder you will know because you are stronger, get no bloating and you are good on 5g maintenance after loading.
It basically works for you and have no complaints.

Now the other half, non-responders should use Ethel/esther-Creatine. It's more expensive, require no loading and there is even less gastrointestinal distress involved with it. Overall just nicer.

That's what I take and I am a responder because I just take it on workout days. This enables me to not have to keep loaded on Mono over 6 weeks. The better creatine just goes to muscle fast when you take it, you work out, burn it.

Thanks for the response Lorenzo. Now that I know it's at least still the king of muscle supps I guess I'll do some more advanced research into it. I forgot all about being able to cycle off the stuff too, that's a big money saver right there! When I used the Creatine Mono about 10 years ago in my teens I was a responder so I imagine I would be now still too.