Is Colin farrell thinning?


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Watch the video. Isn't he showing too much scalp? Or is it normal? I'm a bit doubtful, it's normal to show scalp when you use gel etc. But he doesn't show this much on movies? Work of concealers? I mean, we all now that it's very common to use concealers like toppik in the movies; even though the actors are balding or not. They simply don't want the scalp showing through and sometimes it looks very fake like it did with Brad Pitt on Fight Club. Lots of spikes but not a cm2 of scalp showing, LOL. But Colin Farrell, who is told to be amongst the best examples for a perfect hairline in this forum is normally like this and is it normal? Or is he thinning? Want to hear your opinions, it looks normal to me but thin when compared to his movies.

I'm a big fan of him BTW, I'm pretty sure the hair looks thicker in the movies. With the help of concealers, I guess.


Nah I don't think so. His hair are just all gelled up and greasy.


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But in the movies he looks so damn thick. Quite the same hairstyle, with no scalp showing at all. So just the work of concealers, you think? If so, WHY ON f*****g EARTH DO THE STAFF PUT CONCEALERS ON A NON-BALDING MAN LIKE COLIN FARRELL? I mean they're abnormalizing showing scalp when gel being used on hair. People tend to think showing scalp is not normal when you spike your hair. But it is. It's the amount of scalp you show. f*** Hollywood, I'm pissed off now.


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Elvis Presley was perfect. No men ever talked about his thining or hair loss, couse that could never happen to him!


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gascoigne said:
Elvis Presley was perfect. No men ever talked about his thining or hair loss, couse that could never happen to him!

My relevance meter is going off the charts.