Is Anyone Familiar With Wnt Act From Dr. John Cole?


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Has anyone heard of this? $79 for a month, not cheap at all and wanted to see if anyone had any input?
Thanks all
I actually orded this MONTHS ago. I forgot about it because it seemed like it gost lost in the mail. When i finally did recieve "it", it was not the product advertised. It was some frebch product called "Ducray"
Thats just my experience with this product.


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It never looked like a bad idea to add it to a regimen but the prices for such products have always been prohibitives. (Remember deltracin).At the end of the day the key ingredient is just methyl vanillate and the molecule itself is cheap. The other extras ingredients are good though. Btw other WNT product suggest EOD use.. .



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Maybe use it on the scalp only after an wounding?
to Promote wnt.
tooday i promote wnt by Internal use of vitamin D and b12 in my microneedling day.


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I simply don't trust these guys. they seem like business men first, that are really good at marketing. Where are all the before and after pics? The one that shows a lot of regrowth could be anything. The price for this is WAY too expensive too. Is it made out of f*cking gold or something??

Fred Garvin

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Hair Cycles WNT ACT is a plant-based, all natural hairspray. It is not a synthetic pharmaceutical. The active ingredient, Methyl Vanillate, has shown in independent studies to increase hair count and HMI (Hair Mass Index). It is formulated for all hair types in both men and women. The University of Miami performed a study specifically on its effects on women and had impressive results in increasing WNT activity. The WNT pathway is known to increase hair growth.WNT ACT is the first targeted gene therapy shown to actually increase hair mass both in diameter as well as density. WNT ACT is extremely useful in slowing down the aging of hair. By keeping the hair young with WNT ACT you will maintain youthful hair longer. Everyone has hair loss as we age. With our lifespans increasing every year the hair follicles aren’t evolving fast enough to keep up. This results in an ever-increasing loss of hair over time as our follicles weren’t designed to live as long as medicine is able to keep us alive. Don’t wait till your hair starts falling out as once its lost, its lost forever.


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Hair Cycles WNT ACT is a plant-based, all natural hairspray. It is not a synthetic pharmaceutical. The active ingredient, Methyl Vanillate, has shown in independent studies to increase hair count and HMI (Hair Mass Index). It is formulated for all hair types in both men and women. The University of Miami performed a study specifically on its effects on women and had impressive results in increasing WNT activity. The WNT pathway is known to increase hair growth.WNT ACT is the first targeted gene therapy shown to actually increase hair mass both in diameter as well as density. WNT ACT is extremely useful in slowing down the aging of hair. By keeping the hair young with WNT ACT you will maintain youthful hair longer. Everyone has hair loss as we age. With our lifespans increasing every year the hair follicles aren’t evolving fast enough to keep up. This results in an ever-increasing loss of hair over time as our follicles weren’t designed to live as long as medicine is able to keep us alive. Don’t wait till your hair starts falling out as once its lost, its lost forever.

It’s not lost forever. The follicles lay dormant and your scalp undergoes fibrosis. Basically this sounds like another finasteride without the sides. How about we re-activate follicles or better yet, clone them?

Fred Garvin

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WNT ACT actually keeps the follicles active (in the anagen phase). When the follicles are in their normal phases they go from anagen to telogen and back again. When this happens the hair stops growing in the telogen phase and the follicle swells and the stem cells then reactivate the follicle to start growing again. This swelling and shrinking over time begins to take its toll on the follicle and eventually will close the follicle thusly preventing any future hair growth.
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It’s not lost forever. The follicles lay dormant and your scalp undergoes fibrosis. Basically this sounds like another finasteride without the sides. How about we re-activate follicles or better yet, clone them?

The follicles aren't dormant - they're miniaturized, but still actively cycling. This is from Colin Jahoda showing a terminal follicle (A) and follicles at various stages of miniaturization (B, C, D). All follicles pictured here, including the highly miniaturized ones in C and D, are in anagen.


Though in a few severe cases, after a very long time, the follicles can be destroyed.


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The follicles aren't dormant - they're miniaturized, but still actively cycling. This is from Colin Jahoda showing a terminal follicle (A) and follicles at various stages of miniaturization (B, C, D). All follicles pictured here, including the highly miniaturized ones in C and D, are in anagen.

View attachment 77500

Though in a few severe cases, after a very long time, the follicles can be destroyed.

When they don’t cycle any longer then they lie dormant and eventually can be destroyed yes, but they still lie dormant first once they don’t cycle any longer and after an undetermined time, they die. That’s not my point anyway, I was just saying there should be better sh*t than prevention by now.



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When they don’t cycle any longer then they lie dormant and eventually can be destroyed yes, but they still lie dormant first once they don’t cycle any longer and after an undetermined time, they die. That’s not my point anyway, I was just saying there should be better sh*t than prevention by now.

Hair follicles don't die. Again and again...OMG...


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Hair follicles don't die. Again and again...OMG...

I have no idea what you’re trying to say in that sentence. You can call them destroyed then if you want. What I meant by die is that they no longer cycle after a period of dormancy or even remain at all.


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At 2':31", what does he mean, "the concept of regrowth is no longer relevant"?


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Hair Wars: The Follicle Awakens (2020)

May the Force be with us.
Does anyone else here just feel like going on a murder-suicide rampage to destroy every a**h** company that has sold us bogus, bullshit, doesn’t do sh*t hair products for an inordinate price, thereby cashing in on our desperation and insecurities like hairloss is all a big funny f*****g joke to all these c**** making money off of depressed balding people, or is that just me?