Is a NW3 By 50 Good Going??


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What do you define as success for keeping hair?

Some say maintaining a NW3 till your 50s is good going. Some are never satisfied until they are NW1 for at least the rest of their lives.

My dad last photo of him a being NW1 was his passport photo around his 20th birthday (back in 1978). He went quickly to a NW3 and certainly was close to that by the time I was born (at 28 in 1986).

However my dad stayed a NW3 and is about to turn 54 bizzarly enough. His thinning has picked up a bit mind, if he wets his hair you can see his scalp, but hes still a NW3 more or less for now and has no grey hair, not even a streak (same hair as me).

I say this because I think I have my fathers hairloss, I started receeding around my 20th birthday (I was on here back in 2006 claiming it). If I went off Propecia I would be close a NW3 by now. My younger brother is also receeding into NW3 pattern (without meds), but nothing severe.

I can't be sure if I have my fathers hairloss obviously. But would being a nw3 at 50 be relatively successful if that were the case??

What do you define as successful and what would you aim to have by the time you were 50 say??