Introduction with a few Q's


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Hi, my name is Kevin and I've been stalking this forum for a few years now. My hairline stared receding when I was in 7th grade and I never really noticed it until Sophmore year of HS when a girl asked me if my Dad was bald. I was in total shock, she pointed out my receding hairline and I fell into a deep sad depression. I became extremely shy, I would never look anyone in the eyes unless I was wearing a hat. I didn't date anyone for about 3-4 after that day, why would anyone want to be with a balding man? One day, I got tired of looking at my hair and I shaved my head completely bald, to my shock I had a pretty nice looking head. I went out later that day to Subway and an extremely hot *** girl came up to me and told me how sexy my head was. That pattern continued, strange random girls from all over were noticing me, telling me how hot I was and how I looked like some guy named Tyrone Wells. I gained my confidence back with girls and with life, my school and social life were going great and still are.

What I'm trying to say is, I was happy being bald, but at the same time I missed my hair I was growing tired of having to shave my head every morning, it's extremely painful in what would be the thick areas and I would every once in awhile get a bad rash on my head from shaving it. I never had a chance to enjoy hair, never! I never had a chance to style it in a really cool way or get it cut in different styles. I kept my bangs long and tried to conceal my receding hairline, I lost all my confidence and just said goodbye to my social life.

I recently started growing out my hair again, my hairline has receded a lil further and the hairline that I do have is very thin. Now 9 years later once again people are coming up to me asking if my Dad is bald, or when I started losing my hair. I must also mention that I look extremely young for my age, which I think is why people openly ask me these questions (assholes!). I have no balding spots, my hair is extremely thick, but I have a huge forehead with a thin runaway hairline. With hair everyone says I look British or French, yeah I have no idea what that means. My Dad at age 50, is a Norwood 5A and at 25 years old I'm a Norwood 2A (or 3A...why is 2A worse than 3A? are my eyes playing tricks on me?), which is what he was also at my age, and his brothers and my grandfather.

I'm ready for a hair transplant, I want to at one time in my life enjoy my hair, I want to wake-up in the morning with bad bed head and just stroll into school. I want to be able to dress up, style my hair and hit the hot spots in downtown St. Louis. I want hair!

So I'm reading these forums and people are against young-ens getting hair transplant, I see most of the photos of these guys and laugh too. I wish I had the hairlines some of you have. With that being said, I'm sure my hairline with keep receding and one day the back of my hair will try to meet the front. But can't I just keep getting hair transplant's, I seem to have a huge donor area, what's the problem?

Another question would be the donor scar, does it look bad? Can I just shave my head bald again and say the scar is from a knife fight? Anyway I would like to hear from you and also recommend some good frontal hairline hair transplant doctors. Thanks.


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Again, if your father is a nw5 then thats probably where you're heading. So you need to take care of future loss with meds before you get a hair transplant.
The end result of a hair transplant all depends on your own hair/skin/donor characteristics and most importantly who does the surgery.