Intermittent Fasting And It’s Affects On Hair Loss


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I plan on starting an intermittent fast where I fast every other day (about 400-500 calories during my fasting days). Do you guys believe this will affect my hair loss?


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I plan on starting an intermittent fast where I fast every other day (about 400-500 calories during my fasting days). Do you guys believe this will affect my hair loss?
are you seriously so crazy?


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Don't believe the hype
It has shown that it could be beneficial in treating diabetes type 2 and preventing dementia iirc
but it won't make u magically lose fat no.

It won’t make you magically skinny, but it’s definitely a good way to shed 20 or so pounds relatively quickly. I also eat like a madman and within just a few days it’s quelled my appetite which is my main reason for gaining a few pounds recently.


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It won’t make you magically skinny, but it’s definitely a good way to shed 20 or so pounds relatively quickly. I also eat like a madman and within just a few days it’s quelled my appetite which is my main reason for gaining a few pounds recently.
I eat like a madman but i can't gain weight so not a problem for me.


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what's the point of this question, kid? is it supposed to be edgy?

you are trying to insult me by saying that im balding lmao, no sh*t, imbicile, im on hair loss forum
U were claiming it was going super fast and u would be bald soon so i am just wondering where u are at now and why u don't post on ur main anymore.


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yeah, being skinny fat is a win win for sure
Ehh I’m skinny fat, it’s getting worse. I’m 6’4 and have been hovering around 200-205 for the past 4 years. The last 6 months I hit 230ish. It’s time to cut the sh*t.

But back to the serious question guys, does anyone think fasting 24 hours every other day will f*** my hair up?


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I believe in intermittent fasting is a great way to lose weight and relieve constant workload on our liver and kidneys. I've done it for years, but rather than limiting one day to 400-500 calories as you say you want to do, instead I try and get most of mine at dinner time. I also thinks it's a good idea to at least eat your greens at lunch time. I tend to stick to a high protein intake at dinner. As far as if it has any effect on hair loss, I'm not sure. I'd say it's best to be sure you get your daily vitamins.



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But back to the serious question guys, does anyone think fasting 24 hours every other day will f*** my hair up?

24 hour fasting? you won't make it, trust me. Do 2 meals a day (1pm and 9pm); no snacks in between or after (just water). It won't f*** up your hair. Do you plan on exercising? You won't lose much weight by fasting alone


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For the first few months of the year I did something similar, I ate no breakfast, no lunch, and a salad after work. Occasionally I had some fruit or peanut butter too. I lost about 30 between Jan 1 and Apr 1.

My hair thinned a little during that time, but not much. It was not noticable to others.


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I don't think only eating 500 calories on your fasting days will make any difference to your hair. Just make sure your not deficient in any vitamins and minerals by taking a multi vitamin or something. Im just attempting to lose weight also but im going a bit more extreme.


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I don't think only eating 500 calories on your fasting days will make any difference to your hair. Just make sure your not deficient in any vitamins and minerals by taking a multi vitamin or something. Im just attempting to lose weight also but im going a bit more extreme.
What’s your extreme?


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What’s your extreme?

5 days water fast, 2 days eat 500 calories, going to do that for about 3 months. Taking a shed load of supplements along with it so im not deficient in anything. I wouldn't recommend it.

After 3 months i will cut that back to 4 days water fast 3 days 500 calories.
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Who Farted

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Nutritional Deficit = Possible hairloss and slow growth.

Your body’s got a heirarchy of needs, hair is pretty far down the list. Even if you are supplying your body with all necessary vitamins they will go to vital areas. Hair growth and the healthy follicles require that your diet be sufficient enough to a lot the calories needed to satisfy your more pressing biological needs.

Intermittent fasting is bullshit anyway; it’s just the latest buzzword/fad in a loooong line of them. If you seriously want to lose weight and minimize the negative effects you should run a small calorie deficit and try and eat more often. Knock 15-20 % off of your norm then space that across 6 small meals.

The only form of intermittent fasting that can help is by jacking your metabolism by starting the day with exercise, but not eating until lunch or so. Even in that form, however, the results are inconclusive. It may help you at first, but your body will adapt. Plus it can backfire on you if you let that hunger get the best of you at lunch.

Starvation diets are awful and they set you up to fail. Your body becomes used to the situation and expects it to continue. When you go back to what should be normal intake, your body banks it like the feast before the famine.
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5 days water fast, 2 days eat 500 calories, going to do that for about 3 months. Taking a shed load of supplements along with it so im not deficient in anything. I wouldn't recommend it.

After 3 months i will cut that back to 4 days water fast 3 days 500 calories.
Why are you doing that? Are you overweight?