

Established Member
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hi, i just wanted to ask a few questions about this company.

i've read through the forums, and please correct me if 'm wrong, but this is what i know about them (in regard to hair loss).

they're cloning human hair follicles and reimplanting them.
plase 1 done, phase 2 due to start, phase 3 is when they'll start selling?...

ok, here's what i'm wondering.

in another thread i read that it should cost less than a hair transplant. my question is, how much is a hair transplant? and how likely is it that they'll be able to do this procedure in a country that isn't the UK or US?...

another question is: will it scar? i know they use microinjections, but i don't know if this will scar the scalp.

and when do we all think they'll release it, if they will at all?... because i want a thick full head of hair already, as i'm sure alot of people on these forums do.


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Most of these questions can only be answered by:



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:(... i really wish it would happen already. i'd save up and fly overseas to have it done if i could. i'm so sick and tired and fed up with having male pattern baldness. especially when everybody else my age seems to have a full head of hair, and can ruffle, style, play with their hair however they want.

if any of you have information about intercytex, please let me know. thanks.

but if anybody "does" know, does microinjection scar at all? or is it painless (relatively), and scarfree?


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Do you have scars from when you got a flu shot? Well it will be less than that.


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hmm... i can't remember the last time i got a flu shot. but i'm assuming you mean it wont then? or at least, the scars will heal quickly?


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the scars will be WAY to small to see, and you will have a hair growing out the center of each one. Even the 1mm inscisions in front of my head are not visible. Most cuts you get as a kid are not. It is just the wide gashes that leave tension scars.


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ohhhhh ok. so even if i lose the hair, or get no hair regrowth from hm, i can still wear a shaved head and look like i haven't had surgery.... right? that's the main thing i'm concerned about. look at me, worrying about it when it hasn't even been realeased yet -_-.

how many of you out there are willing to pay up to 10k for this procedure?.

i would, i just need the money first. hopefully i'll be able to get a loan or something. also, any idea whether the procedure will be overnight? or will it be a monthlong procedure (just your guesses). reason being, i might not be in a country that will have it, so i may have to travel to get it done.



if HM does come out and it is for real, you won't have to worry about going bald ever again. They will clone your back and side hairs which are more resistant to dht and stick them up top. When your hairs that are susceptible to DHT continue to fall out, they can be replaced with cloned resistant hairs as well.

It won't take a month to do it. It may take a few visits but there is no way that it will take a month.


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sounding better by the post.

but here's what's wrong.

when i was a boy, my hair ALL OVER my head was thick and strong.

now, even though the top is thinning, i notice the sides and back have thinner hairs too. could this be because of stress? or is it normal for aging? (i'm only 19). could it be that dht is "affecting" these glandular hairs, (side and back), but not causing them to be lost?.

because i want thick hair again. i regret the day where my hair was uncontrollable and i wished for "thin" hair... thick hair is best, you can use product to tame it.

so what are your thoughts on this? could it be because of my diet, sleeping patterns, stress, or is it because of dht? that my sides and back are a bit thinner?


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person_123 said:
sounding better by the post.

but here's what's wrong.

when i was a boy, my hair ALL OVER my head was thick and strong.

now, even though the top is thinning, i notice the sides and back have thinner hairs too. could this be because of stress? or is it normal for aging? (i'm only 19). could it be that dht is "affecting" these glandular hairs, (side and back), but not causing them to be lost?.

because i want thick hair again. i regret the day where my hair was uncontrollable and i wished for "thin" hair... thick hair is best, you can use product to tame it.

so what are your thoughts on this? could it be because of my diet, sleeping patterns, stress, or is it because of dht? that my sides and back are a bit thinner?
with age and male pattern baldness, you will have a gradual thinning all over, initially you have thinning all over (same with most people with age) then with male pattern baldness, you get the reseeding and crown loss

an overall initial thinning is common with male pattern baldness


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does finasteride stop thinning all over and rejuvenation of sides and back as well as front and crown?...

if so, is it better to take finasteride for a while before getting onto hm, so that the hair they harvest is thick?


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if you get a transplant, they will have you take finasteride before and after (for life) to help maintain the transplanted hair (if you have a decent dr who knows anything)

finasteride is needed to help maintain the sides as well, as they will usually continue to thin out too


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isn't a transplant at the moment hair that doesn't grow? so why would it be affected by dht?

or does hair from transplants grow?

also, what if you are a bad reactor to finasteride (sides). after HM, would you still need to take finasteride? assuming you don't react to it, does that mean HM wont work for you?


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Transplanted hair grows. Where in the world did you get the impression that it does not?


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then what is the difference between transplanted hair and hm?...

and how does transplanted hair "grow"? isn't it fake?...

i'm confused now.


person_123 said:
then what is the difference between transplanted hair and hm?...

and how does transplanted hair "grow"? isn't it fake?...

i'm confused now.

hair transplants involve taking hairs from the side and back of your head that are more resistant to dht than your normal top and front and crown hairs. but you only have a limited supply of these hairs. hair cloning(HM) would allow people to make copies of their resistant hairs so they wouldn't have to settle for an unsatisfactory new hairline or reduced density. someone could have any hairline they want and tons of hair as a result./


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then why is scarring an issue with implants/transplants at the moment? aren't they implanted with the same procedure? the main good points i "thought" HM offered were:
- a cure to balding meaning:
- regrow your own hair
- no scarring
- permanent hair

now i realise hair "may" thin again (hair that's already there, but may be lost to male pattern baldness in future), but the procedure could be done a few times again and again. are any of my above "thoughts" wrong though?


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no hair is permanent, that is BS, the HM is likely going to be hair that is less susceptible to DHT

no scaring because they don't have to take an inch strip or so from the back of your head


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really? so it wont be permanent? damn!!!

and current hair transplants:

they don't scar where they are implanted? only where the hair is harvested in the first place? i never knew this.

is the only difference between hm and hair transplant this?

hair is cloned instead of harvested in hm.

is there any "more" difference (in the whole procedure, not including costs and method).

is that all there is to it?.

i believed that it was growing your own hair so that it could be planted around your scalp to be grown again.

now i'm starting to think it's more like a hair transplant.

at this moment, i'm thinking two possible things: hair transplant isn't that bad, or hm isn't that good....

are both true? or is one of them more true?


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The holy grail of HM is for the cloning process to sprout hair wherever you don't currently have any but want some, without transplanting.

However, a more realistic goal is for some donor hairs to be harvested, for the hairs to be cloned, then for the cloned hairs to be transplanted. This solves the two biggest problems with hair transplant, donor site scars and insufficient donor hair eventually. But transplanted hair can never be as thick or quite as natural-looking as naturally-grown hair.