Intercytex sure is keeping its trial hush hush


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It's been 5 months now since the trial begain, last September (late in the month). You'd think we would have heard something by now, if not from them, then from the participants who just HAVE to tell somebody about their sprouting new terminal hairs...

I f*cking hate waiting.

michael barry

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There could be confidentiality agreements involved as other trials until results are professionally analyzed.

I imagine that the one year mark is when assessment will take place

we have to remember that CELLS were injected and not transplanted HAIRS. There will probably be a couple of extra months required for this as cells have futher to go to produce hairs than fully differentiated growing hairs have. A transplant usually takes one full year or so until full effect is acheived.

Im interesting in seeing results around October of this year, or I will start emailing them and asking about when results will be revealed. ICX knows a ton of people are following this research..........they are aware of the interest.


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Intercytex said they should have preliminary data by mid-2007. If a year is optimal for final assessment, what do you think they will present this summer?

michael barry

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because -some- hair should definitely be growing by the summer. In a regular transplant, you get growth by about months 4-6 in many cases, but the FULL effect is at 12 months. Hell, I HOPE they grow chia-pet heads up there by June or something, but Im tempering my hopes.

Mid 2006 would be months 5-7..................I'd bet on June or July if they hold to it. Remember, it took ICX three full years to get into phase two after phase one, so they arent' going to be rushed or anything. Im just as anxious as you are though. I try not to get on the "hopes" rollercoaster too much though. Im really expecting HM to be available somewhere on this planet by 2012 though. ICX is saying 2010, but everyone involved in this has predicted it sooner than it occured. Just a few years back Anderans was saying 2007 for a product launch. They have just not recruited for their phase one trial. They are years behind what Washenik said they would be.......