Insulin. Insulin is bad.


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Read this:

I think he might be on to something. When my hair loss started I was eating tons of foods that I later learned were rocketing my insulin levels sky high. Pasta, pizza, bread, chocolate and sugar etc etc.

Now I am NOT saying this is the case for everyone, don't worry, I'm aware a lot of this is genes etc etc, but what I am saying is that there really might be something in this.

Before I even came on here I realized that insulin was related to anxiety and my diet, and could decrease my SHBG and so affect my sex hormones (T and E) and lead to hair loss. Before anyone had barely mentioned "Finasteride" to me, I had worked that out through online research. I had even discussed it with someone who is a professional therapist, dealing with people who have had hair loss through stress including in a male pattern baldness... pattern. :) He agreed with me.

I mean who knows, I'm not saying I'm definitely right. But THAT dude managed to grow his hair again (the guy on the immortal hair website) and that sure looked like male pattern baldness to me!

So erm... yeah. This all backs up the theory about having a great diet and doing exercise, as that will bring your insulin levels down.

I dunno, just something to think about :)

I also learnt to my dismay that the two natural treatments I wanted to take - Holy Basil and Reishi Mushroom - are both known to INCREASE insulin, despite actually decreasing insulin resistance. I'm not sure if I want to take the risk anymore.

I already was reducing insulin, but I think now I will make even more of an effort :)

Hoppi :)


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blink said:
are you really misterE? :)

haha yeah this is just my second user!

I mean...

This is just my second user!! =D


Why does SHBG have a receptor? :shock:


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Hmm wow even stress influences insulin production! Reports are sketchy - some seem to say it actually blocks it a bit and others like this say it increases it: ... eta-cells/

I will continue looking into this. But it does seem true that stress can cause male pattern baldness, and that insulin can cause it too. It would make sense if it isn't stress at all, but STILL insulin! Just insulin created through stress!

I don't know. But I know it would make a whole lot of sense! Is it growth hormone? Does it effect IGF-1? Help misterE! rofl

I'll keep researching :)


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Hoppi,our emperor,the founder of the truth and hair loss solver! You're a funny and strange guy Hoppi,u know that,don't you?And stop with the emoticons,there are annoying.You seem childish to me.


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I posted this before in your "other" thread, but I'll state it again. I've heard Apple cider vinegar is an extremely potent insulin reducer. Supposedly it's almost as effective as some medications on the market.

Whether this is actually true or not. I don't know, but something for you to look into, if you wish.