Instant dopamin release by touching scalp...aaaah

Ben hur

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Right now I have very itchy scalp. I've been on rogaine for 2 years and the itch haven't really been a problem. Here in sweden the only way to buy minoxidil is to go to your local pharmacy and ask the clerk to go fetch it (embarrasing), so I started ordering brand name rogaine online from the states recently. The european Rogaine differs from the american one that's for sure. For instace, it's much greasier and takes longer to dry and second: jeesus christ it's ITCHING!! BIG difference on that issue. It might work better or worse I'm not sure. Some time after I started the american one my biggest shed ever (still going on) started - which I take as a good sign if it's connected to the rogaine. I'm not sure if it's related to the minoxidil though. I'm gonna use up my 6 month supply and then evaluate which one's best.

Anyhow, the way my scalp feels right now. LOL, running my hand gently through the hair is like injecting heroine (just a guess, haven't really tried it), it sends shivers down your spine, your eyes roll back and it feels amazing. My scalp doesnt really hurt, it's just like the minoxidil has created neural connection between the sensor cells in my skin and to the reward centre of the brain.