Insane shed for 8 months. Finasteride for 6 months. 25M


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Hey everyone; i'm new to this forum but have been browsing threads for quite some time. I just want to get some advice and thoughts on my situation, and I appreciate it in advance. My hairloss started abruptly on June 27 of last year 2020. Up until then I had very minimal shedding (I actually previously counted my drain stopper on occasion and there were maybe around 5 hairs per shower). On June 26, I had a haircut and straightened my hair while it was soaking wet. The next day June 27th, as if a switch flipped I noticed chunks of hair coming out. I must have lost 300 hairs the next day in the shower diffuse on the scalp.

Anyhow, about a month passed by and the hair fall did not let up. Its like a crater formed in the middle of my head almost overnight. I visited a dermatologist who did a trichogram and said it was "traction alopecia" due to a high number of fractured hairs in the sample pulled. I was advised to wash my hair with a gentle shampoo and to apply a topical steroid for 3 weeks.

As a precaution, if the hairloss was from Androgenetic Alopecia and the hairfall was coincidental, I got on brand name propecia 1mg per day on Aug 13 and have been utilizing it since.

Strangely, I had two serum DHT measurements while on propecia. One in november which was 2939 pmol/L (860-3406 range), and one in February of this year which was 1827 pmol/L (860-3406 range). Seems like my DHT is still very high on propecia but its strange that the two blood tests had such a variance.

The shedding at times has slowed down to maybe 100 per shower. The thing is, since then I have even been losing hair on the sides, back, and other areas I did not straighten. I had two biopsies performed. One was a vertical sectioning which said alopecia areata due to high telogen/catagen count, but the dermatologist disagreed since my hair loss is diffuse. I had a biopsy performed on the crown which indicated nothing but minor Androgenetic Alopecia (which i assume many males will have), but no increase in anagen:telogen ratio, which makes no sense considering my shedding.

It is now almost 7 months into propecia and far after the aforementioned incident, but my hair is still shedding rapidly and i've probably lost 50% of the density on the top of my head in just 8 months. This past few weeks i've noticed even more shedding in the shower (wash daily). I have attached a picture of how much hair i just lost (this is not all as some in drain, some after drying hair, etc. I'm really at a loss and I'm wondering if anyone can comment on my experience or if they have had anything similar/experience with propecia and what I can maybe do to tackle the problem. I've been to like 5 dermatologists each with a different opinion and I feel so stuck, the shedding is ridiculous. Many of the hairs still look deformed, like turning to pubic hairs and theyre scattered all over my head.

Sorry if this all seems jumbled up; appreciate any thoughts.


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Possibly retrograde alopecia or DUPA?

Have you had an increase in acne, sebum, etc?

I would stay on finasteride for at least the next few months. I would add oral minoxidil, it always will improve hair to at least some degree no matter the type of alopecia.

rapper dude

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Possibly retrograde alopecia or DUPA?

Have you had an increase in acne, sebum, etc?

I would stay on finasteride for at least the next few months. I would add oral minoxidil, it always will improve hair to at least some degree no matter the type of alopecia.
How do you get oral Minoxidil?


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Thanks for the quick reply! It seems like my acne (used to be cystic) actually went down on finasteride by alot.. but it could be unrelated as I made many dietary changes as well. Hesitant to start oral minoxidil but will keep it in mind. My hair went from all growing to the same direction to looking like lifeless, pubes on the head during all this time too.. :/


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Thanks for the quick reply! It seems like my acne (used to be cystic) actually went down on finasteride by alot.. but it could be unrelated as I made many dietary changes as well. Hesitant to start oral minoxidil but will keep it in mind. My hair went from all growing to the same direction to looking like lifeless, pubes on the head during all this time too.. :/
Hey! Can you provide us your update about your shed. Actually, I am on finasteride for 3 months. My shed increased after one month of use (50-60 thick and thin both), and still I am shedding. sometimes, when I do massage or something I shed more than 100 hairs. My hairs follicles are weak as far as I know, maybe because of nutrition deficit or something (prob vit D as I always stay inside the house). I do have an itchy scalp as well. I don't think meds like finasteride have a direct role on is for sure some other factors are making the hair to be shed. what is your opinion on it?