inredibly itchy scalp


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and its just from front, i scratch and naturally the hairs fall away, what to do? im already using nizoral

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Yep... I had the EXACT same thing, and I know EXACTLY what it means. It means a big time shed is coming. Big time.

Are you on treatments? I am hoping and praying for your sake that you are on minoxidil and have been for at least 2-3 weeks. If you are a recent minoxidil beginner, then you're fine and will ride it out. If not, get on minoxidil immediately. That's my call.

Whoops, I just checked out your regimen and realized that you use Propecia and Nizoral. If you have been on Propecia for at least 3-4 months, then Propecia might be causing the shed, and it is benign and to be expected and you should ride it out, a good sign. If you got on Propecia more recently, say, in the last few months, then I would seriously suggest adding in minoxidil. Perhaps cycle in a little TGel to ease the itching, but TGel won't stop the shed. Like I said above, it is just my call.