incubosor's story


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I can't believe I never posted in this forum. When I first came to the board I put up a thread in the propecia forum and was evaluating my situation.

Family history: Mom's side is totally legit. Dad's side has male pattern baldness, he was bald by late 20's early 30's.

At age 20 was my first panic. My temples receded a little, and my first google search on baldness began. Everything mentioned receding temples and bald spot on the crown. My crown was fine so I figured I was at a really early stage. One day I read something about mature hairlines forming anytime after puberty, I figured the best thing to do is not get on any drugs and just believe that my hairline recession would halt. It did, 2 years later my hair was the same (so I thought).

September 2005 I got my annual haircut (I always grew my hair out for as long as I could and then I would buzz it and start fresh again). A few days after, I developed a scalp itch. It was only present at night when I was working at my desk or studying. I got some head and shoulders and had mild relief, but the itch lingered. The weather was getting cold so I figured it was due to dry scalp. In late October after getting out of the shower one night my scalp caught my attention through the bathroom mirrior. I could see a lot of it with my hair wet! Yikes! I could clearly tell scalp was showing on top more than the sides.

This is when the panic started. I had no idea there was Diffuse male pattern baldness, I assumed all male pattern baldness involved balding crown and receding hairline. How the hell did this sneak up on me? I thought. I don't ever remembering shedding lots of hairs in the shower. Did the damn itch have anything to do with my hair loss?

I started researching the scalp itch on this forum before anything else and sure enough - many male pattern baldness'ers have an itch just like I do. I turned 23 in December, and diagnosed myself as thinning/balding. I ordered nizoral 1% and TGel to help with the mild/subtle itch but have not had any luck at all (its been 3 weeks). I'm getting blood work done on Tuesday and have an appointment with derm to get a prescription for propecia and nizoral 2%, so my regimen is starting in Feburary.

Hopefully by this time next year I will have a success story to post.

I am considering minoxidil for that slight recession I had on my temples, is this a good idea? What is the best way to apply it to a specific area? Also considering Revivogen at night. Thanks in advance.


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There's no doubt that you will receive success, given that you're getting on the BIG 3, Propecia, Minoxidil, and Nizoral!

Try starting out with these 3 first. You've only been losing your hair for a short while, so the chances of regrowth are very great for you.

I don't think you need to add anything else to your regime, especially Revivogen. You probably don't even need Rogaine, but it will likely help yo. :)

I wish you the best. Let us know if we can help you with anything.


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Oh yeah,

Try to make get at least one picture every month. It's the only way to prove your treatments are working. Also, it'll make you feel great when you see your hair improving.