Increasing Finasteride Dosage Later?

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Hello. Has anyone ever heard anything about increasing the dosage of finasteride if/when it ever begins to lose it's effectiveness?

I understand that there really isn't much data available as to how long (how many years) finasteride will continue to work and maintain it's results for someone.

However, I have read different forums across the internet where people have mentioned that eventually finasteride can begin to not work as well (for a number of different reasons: the human body becomes used to the drug, genetics take over again, things like that). The range of time that people have mentioned (where finasteride may have begun to stop working for them) has been anywhere from about 1 year up to 10 years or so.

Again, going back to the original question: can you increase the finasteride dosage if/when this ever happens? and how much do people usually increase it if they do? For example, I'm currently taking 1mg finasteride daily, and I'm really happy with my results. If I ever begin to see it lose it's effectiveness, what could I bump it up to (if I can)...1.25mg, 1.50mg, 2.00mg? Or is this something that won't work.

It's probably a good question for a doctor, but I was just wondering about what people might know and have to say about it around here. I'm just trying to stay proactive about it if it were to ever happen. Thanks guys and girls.


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StartingTreatment said:
Again, going back to the original question: can you increase the finasteride dosage if/when this ever happens? and how much do people usually increase it if they do? For example, I'm currently taking 1mg finasteride daily, and I'm really happy with my results. If I ever begin to see it lose it's effectiveness, what could I bump it up to (if I can)...1.25mg, 1.50mg, 2.00mg? Or is this something that won't work.

Haven't you heard about finasteride's relatively flat dose-response curve? Once you get above very tiny "micro-doses", increasing your dose from 1 mg to only 1.25 mg, 1.5 mg, or 2 mg is the proverbial "drop in the bucket". To get an extra response that I think you'd have any chance at all of noticing, you'd probably have to go AT LEAST to 5-10 milligrams, and probably a lot more like 50 milligrams per day or more. The Gisleskog et al studies on finasteride and dutasteride estimated that to get a similar effect on the 5a-reductase type 1 enzyme that dutasteride has, you'd probably have to take on the order of maybe about 270 milligrams per day (!!) of finasteride. The bottom-line to all this is that no, it's unlikely that anybody could even afford to take enough finasteride to really make much of a clinical difference, compared to standard Propecia/Proscar doses. If you still want to try it yourself in the future, try going with Proscar (5 mg) instead of Propecia.

Thinning Sucks

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I know it probably wont make a diff but after 11 years, I just started taking 2.5mg/day. So far no sides after about 1 month.
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Bryan & TS: Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it.

Bryan: I had not heard about the curve that you're talking about...and I had no idea that increases in dosage that high would be necessary to (possibly) continue to maintain effectiveness.

I have heard of the Proscar. What you're saying is that if/when finasteride becomes ineffective for someone, they could make the full transition from the 1mg finasteride to the 5mg proscar tablet? (completely replace finasteride w/ proscar)

I've heard of the dutasteride. From what I understand, it's a fairly new treatment that has not yet been approved by the FDA for male pattern baldness? Also, I read that it helps inhibit both types of DHT...although I can't remember the difference or the importance between the two. I'm assuming this could be an FDA approved treatment in the future...if so, could this also be an option to replace finasteride with down the road ? I'm hoping in 10 years the follicular cell implantation (hair cloning) procedure might be an option too. haha


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StartingTreatment said:
I have heard of the Proscar. What you're saying is that if/when finasteride becomes ineffective for someone, they could make the full transition from the 1mg finasteride to the 5mg proscar tablet? (completely replace finasteride w/ proscar)

I just want to be sure that you understand something important: both Propecia and Proscar use finasteride! Propecia is a 1 mg tablet of finasteride, and Proscar is a 5 mg tablet of finasteride.

StartingTreatment said:
I've heard of the dutasteride. From what I understand, it's a fairly new treatment that has not yet been approved by the FDA for male pattern baldness? Also, I read that it helps inhibit both types of DHT...although I can't remember the difference or the importance between the two. I'm assuming this could be an FDA approved treatment in the future...if so, could this also be an option to replace finasteride with down the road ?

The company that makes dutasteride (Glaxo) has clearly stated that they are NOT going to go for FDA approval to use it to fight hair loss. However, that hasn't stopped many guys from using it "off-label" for their hair. Yes, dutasteride is a dual-inhibitor which acts against both of the enzymes which convert testosterone into DHT. At the standard, recommended dosage found in Avodart, dutasteride has in fact been shown in early, private testing to be a little more effective against male pattern baldness than finasteride, even at the larger Proscar dosage.
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Yo kthxbi, that is good info -- thanks for sharing. I guess if it ever gets to the point where it's not as effective, it might not hurt upping the dosage some. You've got nothing to lose except your hair. Plus, that fits right in with Bryan's idea of starting Proscar anyways...5mg finasteride instead of 1mg.

Thinning Sucks

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I'm increasing my dosage to 2.5mg due to long time on finasteride....would you take the 2.5mg in one shot or split it up and take 1.25mg morning and 1.25mg at night? Would it be more effective one way or the other?


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Brayan, may you please add;

I've been on finasteride for 21 months with no results, started with 0.25mg upping the dose during this time ending up with 1.25mg, I noticed some slight improvment with 1 mg -longer hair and better hair quality- for very short time of 2weeks, I've started the 1.25 dose before 3 1/2 months ago, I went through heavy shedding just arround 2 weeks in the new dose, the hair was thinned out lots of hair in hands while showering, then after 2 months shedding has slown down and i start to feel my hair better again and for as short time as 2 weeks, then things start to get worse now shedding again, I really don't know what exactly happening or what shall I do!

Do you think it's better to stop minoxidil and continue with finasteride? I've been using minoxidil for over 5 yrs with some success though.

does dutasteride works for people who finasteride not working for them?


Thinning Sucks

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Anyone increasing dosage? I'm still on 2.5mg for a year and after many years on 1 and 1.25 mg. Not really making a significant difference.


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Bernstein medical recommend half a proscar once 1mg loses effectiveness (it's on their website). Also Spencer Kobren does so. He seems to be taking 5mg EOD.

There is the study on the flat dose response, yet it may still work for some...

Thinning Sucks

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Anyone increasing dosage 2.5mg after long term usage with sucess? I stopped and now plan to go back on it. dutasteride scares me do to potential frontal losses.

Thinning Sucks

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I'm at 12 years finasteride so effects are starting to wear off a bit...need a stronger shot to keep what I have and possibly regrow.