Increase cellular oxygen - worth a try


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Obviously this is not one to work by itself but I found the combination to work for me. I have quit finasteride after insane sides (as mentioned multiple times here) and gotten back to a major shed around 6 or 7 weeks after quitting.

I have since started supplementing DHA, Zinc, Biotin, a few antioxidants such as Q10 and most importantly:
  • RU (from Kane; around 50-60mg per day)
    Derma Roller (from amazon; using it after rubbing in RU)
    Cell Food Oxygen Supplement (from iHerb,

The shed stopped after a few days, came back even stronger and eventually got me to the same level I had while on finasteride but without sides except for minor head ache if I apply too much RU. It all got better once I added the cell food to the regimen. Obviously we'll never really know what made the difference. But right now I am carefully optimistic -

increasing blood circulation with the derma roller and cellar nutrition & oxygen with the supplement is one package that's conclusive in combination with RU. Increasing blood circulation and allowing more oxygen to penetrate the skin is the goal of the derma roller already so it makes sense to enhance that effect.