In Your Experience.........


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.............are guys or girls more sympathetic/empathetic towards hair loss? I know a lot of men on here think girls are meaner towards balding guys but in my experience guys are much worse. Or at least guys are more obvious when they are being mean. To guys it seems to be a big joke when one of their friends starts to go bald. Just the other day some of my "friends" couldn't hide their delight that they'd noticed my hair wasn't as thick as it once was. Thing is, not all of these guys are NW1s, in fact some of them have less hair then me!
I put this down to a couple of things. 1) Guys like to rib their friends; it's boys being boys. Simple as that. 2) Guys are competitive with each other. Not wishing to sound arrogant but I'm not a bad looking man and I get plenty of female attention so if guys like me go bald it's less competition for them.
As for girls, perhaps they do also say cruel things about balding guys (or girls) but they probably do it in a more subtle way ie behind their backs rather then to their face. Girls generally don't have this man thing where guys can say the most cruel things to each other and justify it as "blokey banter".


My Regimen
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TBH, I have heard both supporting AND demeaning things about baldness from both genders.
However, when it comes from men, I hardly care. When it comes from women, it's a hard blow.


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Guys are more sympathetic..
As the time will pass,no one will make hairloss guy feel down.
About girls,they will not care about hairloss unless you approach her.


Established Member
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Guys, of course. Women won't have sympathy for you, guys at least can relate to it. Same with being short or other things women don't like.

Of course there are really emphatic women but I think the vast majority won't give a f*** about you.


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Can't argue with that EL. :(
Bald or not...Most folks in general can hardly express indifference to a circumstance that directly affects(ed) them on a daily basis.

Unless you live in a vacuum,i t's next to impossible not to relate or empathize with fellow sufferers when we are reminded everyday.

"The trouble with life is that it's so daily".
-Benjamin Franklin

And bald girls
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Senior Member
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Women pretend to be apathetic and sincere to your condition but they feel sorry for you in the wrong way. In such remorse that 'it's to bad, hsd he had hair I would stroke consider'

Not so much the feeling where they want to give yu a chane. Its the weakest form of sympathy.


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My Regimen
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TBH, I have heard both supporting AND demeaning things about baldness from both genders.
However, when it comes from men, I hardly care. When it comes from women, it's a hard blow.

How about when it comes from men in FRONT of women. I have experienced this. It is horrible.


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How about when it comes from men in FRONT of women. I have experienced this. It is horrible.

Yeah, this is the type of sh*t I was taking about. With guys it's kind of a competitive alpha male thing. They can try to pass it off as a joke but really they're just trying to deflate your confidence and show that they're the superior male especially in front of women.


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I don't know about that, EvilLocks. Don't you remember how the women on the women's forums used to say it's easier for men because they can just shave their heads? Even after I said it's not easy for them at all, pointing out why, they still thought so.

You are right, but at least there's bald girls like you and me who truly understand. :)


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It's a rabid dog eat dog world out here, we can count on that.
Mark Twain probably didn't have hair loss on his mind while he artfully captured his awe of the human spirit.
In this one of many still popular quotes he first penned.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog".
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Senior Member
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You are right, but at least there's bald girls like you and me who truly understand. :)

That's why when you girls go away or get banned or something uncanny like that,
the macabre wind around here begins to blow a little more colder. :)

From now on ALL your future leave of absences here will require a consensus of approval.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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.............are guys or girls more sympathetic/empathetic towards hair loss? I know a lot of men on here think girls are meaner towards balding guys but in my experience guys are much worse. Or at least guys are more obvious when they are being mean. To guys it seems to be a big joke when one of their friends starts to go bald. Just the other day some of my "friends" couldn't hide their delight that they'd noticed my hair wasn't as thick as it once was. Thing is, not all of these guys are NW1s, in fact some of them have less hair then me!

You need to find better friends. I have around 8-9 really close friends. I have shared my concerns about hairloss with all of them. Not one of them ever made fun of me. They all were very empathetic and supportive.


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Yeah, this is the type of sh*t I was taking about. With guys it's kind of a competitive alpha male thing. They can try to pass it off as a joke but really they're just trying to deflate your confidence and show that they're the superior male especially in front of women.
I have seen otherwise smart, competent and self aware males turn into complete, utter, competitive fools behaving like 12 year old boys once an attractive female enters the equation.


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My Regimen
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Women are far more vicious when it comes to judging people on their looks. I've never heard a guy ridicule a woman because of an unattractive trait, but women do it to men AND other women all the time.


Experienced Member
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You need to find better friends. I have around 8-9 really close friends. I have shared my concerns about hairloss with all of them. Not one of them ever made fun of me. They all were very empathetic and supportive.

It's not that simple. Yeah, some of my friends can be dicks at times but also incredibly supportive and loyal to me in other ways. I also have bonds formed over many years with some of them.


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Well there certainly are women who will gather like a gaggle of goose hens it would seem merely to quack and cackle over another individual's unfairly perceived misfortunes,
I have seen first hand how this sort of co-conspiratorial priming and cahoots tactic or recruitment process between female to female can ultimately descend into a serious act of victimization. Fowl play ensues, feathers start to fly and you better duck if you're in proximity of the turmoil or you will get hurt. It's not cute, frankly it's completely for the birds.
Now I can not be encumbered by the vengeance infused dogma of the Feminists nor the misguided guilt of Apologists. Nor would I ever wish to surrender my male birthright.
However if we study our history even at a remedial level, tragically it becomes an extremely challenging task (for me anyhow )to defend any *preconceived naïve and/or noble notions I may had/have relating to men.
Mankind has a hell of a lot of work ahead of itself, the fresh scent of blood on our hands simply can not be ignored.

I don't say this too loudly either on behalf of the women I meet/ met, know(n) and love(d) and grow(n) to respect(ed).
They have unknowingly done a tremendous service to their kind.
Yet I am generally displeased with the "fairer sex" in their own ( less publicized) failings to live up or conform to the
same set of ethics/principles men were generally held to and who have also failed at time and again.
When I get around to it I may just shoot General Society a thank you for his charitable virtuous characterization of women.
In some ways I am still recoiling from disillusionment and the disquieting realization that men and women are more similar in vice than I once believed.

* I was shaken awake at first light by the sound and sight of my ivory tower toppling and within
the stone seal vertical enclave falling in on itself, the screaming echoes of a thousand crushed virgins.
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