im so much hornier


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ive been on proscar (cut into 6ths) for over 2 months now. and ive been way hornier! im not complaining cause i think even my penis has gotten a little thicker/stronger. but seriously i "have fun" like two or three times a day now. could this possibly be a bad thing (hair-wise)? i wanted to wait a while to make sure my body was adjusted to the drug but now this is just ridiculous(ly awesome). im 19 too.


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Actually there is some speculation that ejaculating to often may increase hairloss... However, i have no idea if that is true or not.


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Yeah, when I was 19, pretty much everything from tight jeans to strong breezes made me want to "have fun."


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haha i understand im at the peak of my hornyness at my age, but im saying it has drastically increased since taking finasteride. I'm asking if that could possibly mean its not working as well on dht eliminating dht. and i dont give a sh*t if ejaculating may increase hair loss haha. im not about to stop having sex/masturbating for my hair! and even if it does increase hair loss, it would be such a small amount that the stress alone from not ejaculating would defeat the purpose of not doing it! (since stress is proven to increase hair loss)


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Haha i know what you mean!.. Actually since i read about ejaculation causing hairloss i tried sticking to having sex only and never masturbating, and i usually do it maybe 2 times a day, even if i have sex the same day i often masturbate :O - Ye im quite horny aswell ;).. Lets just say that i failed miserably, couldn't even last a week ;)


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im 19 too been on finasteride almost 3 month first i thought i noticed a decrease in libo, but now it has definitely increased more so than before i was on finasteride. im also on SP.


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I also got ridiculously horny in the first few weeks (this was when I was 20, I'm now 22).. Some say that finasteride causes an intial spike in T to make up for the lower DHT. Eventually your body adjusts and your libido should come down again. Anyway, it's all fun and games, so enjoy!


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Yh my sex drive increased considerably after about a week on finasteride- I was suprised as I was definately expecting a lowered libido if anything, having read some of the posts here. Im not a teenager with permanent wood either, so its an unexpected benefit!


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yes it is normal. I'm also experiencing this. blocking DHT increases free T levels and there you go.


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I experience this and other positive sides (increased hair quality/volume, clear skin, more energy) for about a week or so of regular use. Then it levels off and i start to experience negative sides (tired, weak hair, dry skin). Ive been off and on finasteride since i was 21 (now 25). Everytime i start taking finasteride again i get the same positive sides. Ive wondered if there is a way to balance this out or somehow keep the initial positive effects permanent by alternating days that i take it. Probably not..probably unhealthy too.


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Could try every other day, or mon-wed-fri...


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I am also one that suffers the very high libido on Finesteride, I recently got a blood test done and my Testestorone was a little over normal.

Not having a gf means im wanking 4x a day yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh brb going for a wank


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Jake , did you quit Finasteride?