i'm screwed


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Yep, it's official: I'm screwed.

Either I'm allergic to everything or I'm prone to crazy over-absorption. Every product I try gives me some sort of side effect:

1) finasteride - got sides, my doctor told me to drop it.
2) Minoxidil - after 3 months and some great results, I started getting chest pains and rapid heart beat. Dropped that, too.
3) Tricomin - Tightness in chest, dropped it.

And now after a week of using Spectral RS, I'm starting to get the same side effects as I got with Tricomin. I mean, come on, who gets side effects from Tricomin? I think my body has decided I MUST go bald.

I don't know what to do. I've tried reduced doses, every other day, on and off, and always side effects.

I'm going crazy. What should I do? Is it time to throw in the towel? Cross my fingers and hope that Revita is some sort of miracle shampoo?

I dunno.....

(Oh, and for anyone new here, don't take this rant as a reason NOT to try any of the above mentioned products - I'm an extremely RARE case and side effects are relatively uncommon.)


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Do you have strong reaction to any drugs that you take? Like antibiotics, cough medicine, you know usual stuff. Try reducing the dosage.


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hello jimmyjames,great name by the way

you have got to decide which is worst the side affects or the mental anguish that go's along with hairloss.Personally i would give the meds as long as possible because your body will become used to them but only you know how bad these sides are.Just my opinion.

p.s Good luck in whatever you decide


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wow you got sides from Tricomin? stay away from Baby shampoo...lol


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I seriously doubt you get sides from everything you touch, including baby shampoo.


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Apoc: That's what's so screwed up. I've never had problems with any medications until now. And I've never had any other allergies. For some reason, there's just something about these hair loss products that's screwing with my body. And I've tried lower doses, with no success....

Antonio: Thanks for the support. I tried riding out the sides, but I just couldn't do it. Basicallly, it constantly felt like I was waiting for my heart to calm down. Not cool. So, yeah, it looks like I might just have to accept my hair loss and move on with my life....

What's really frustrating is that the Minoxidil was really working. The shed I've had since I dropped the stuff about a month ago is pretty depressing.


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WorldOfWarcraft: Believe me, I wish it weren't the way it is. I've done all sorts of trial and error, and every time there's some sort of side effect. At first I thought I was just paranoid, but I'm positive now it isn't in my head.

For example, I had no problems with Minoxidil until after three months. If I was just paranoid, I think I would have felt these "side effects" much sooner.

And, no, I'm not allergic to baby shampoo. That would be REALLY crazy.


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thats a bummer particularly about the minoxidil. i dont think revita and
spectral rs will do much to be brutually honest.

but...if i were you id think that theres still stuff i havent tried. revivogen
and spironolactone would be a better combo than that. apple poly? you wouldnt get
sides from apples surely.


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Sean68 --

I've used spironolactone in the past (in combination with Minoxidil) and I didn't get any sides from it. I guess I could at least use that while shampooing with Revita.

I've looked into Applepoly, too, but to tell you the truth, I'm really sceptical. It's DAMN expensive and that website (http://www.applepoly.com) looks suspicious to say the least.

I really just don't know what to do anymore....


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try cutting finpecia into 4 get 0.25 mg finasteride
and try the minoxidil 2% solution, and get the Revita Shampo.



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Jojje -- Unfortunately, I've already tried the 2% minoxidil with the same results. And as far as finasteride goes, after talking to my doctor (who I trust and respect), we decided I shouldn't take it anymore.

IBM -- As much as I want to keep my hair, the sides were just too uncomfortable. Imagine just feeling a tightness in your chest ALL THE TIME. It really sucks.

I appreciate everyone's feedback, though -- it's nice to get different opinions and advice....


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Thanks to everyone who's posted. I'm just so damn frustrated with all this crap.

Anyway, I'm thinking maybe there's one last regimen I can try:

Revita shampoo and spironolactone -- I know I can handle both of these products, but I'm not expecting much in the way of results. I'm not expecting regrowth anymore, but I'd at least like to slow the balding process down.

I guess there's also Revivogen, but I'm hesitant to spend $90 on their product and then find out I'm allergic to it as well. But what do people think is more effective to inhibit DHT? Revivogen or spironolactone? Especially considering I won't be using any other product with them?

And, last but not least, there's applepoly. I'm so suspicious of this product and its website, but maybe it should be part of my last resort regimen....


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How long did you take the finasteride for? sometimes you get sides right away but they subside once your body gets used to them.

I had sides from the dutasteride for the first 2 weeks but they are gone to hardly noticeable now.