I'm scared... (with pictures)


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One picture of these 3 was taken 15 days before my second hair transplant and the other 2 were taken 48 days after. Don't need to describe which is which. Should I worry about it?





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Ya,, that's what I'm doing. The good thing is that I just don't have to look at it all the time. I even didn't know it was that bad until I asked my girlfriend to take this picture. I've already heard of shock loss before but dude this was scary... My Doctor says hair will come back so I have just to relax you know Cheech, lol.
I'll keep on updating this thread. Thanks for your response.

Charming Man

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While you're waiting for it to grow, Toppik (or some other concealer) would probably do a really good job on that part of your head.

It's a bit more tricky to use on the front of the hair, but I find it does an immense job on the back.

Good luck


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Your crown didn't look bad to begin with. How many grafts did you have placed back there?

That seems to be a lot of shock loss. Is this typical? The new hair won't come in until months 4-6, but what about all the old hair? Is it gone for good because it was likely minitiaurizing?