im in trouble

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i started propecia since april 2003 up to the first week of december. I stopped propecia since december till february 2004. Then i stopped again in the beginning of march 2004 and restarted again in the last week of march 2004. Then i stopped again in the last week of april 2004. The initial stop of propecia is because i ran out in december. The other reasons is because it was causing me to break out. The point im trying to get at worried that i might of aggravated my hormone balance. Ive decided to stop for now and just go with spironolactone. My question is, Due to the sporadic on and off with propecia, how long before my body is hormonally back to normal again?..Its been about a month now since i stopped, and my breakouts are slowly going away. Im just worried that i might have cause a long term if not a permanent disturbance to my hormonal balance. What do you guys think?


Senior Member
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It depends. Everyone is different. It may take another month it may take a year.
I did steriods about 10 years ago and it took my body over a year to balance itself out.


Established Member
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Did the propecia help your hair? If it did, I think you should continue you on it(if you have the funds.) Acne could be taken care of, I rather be in the situation when I was 8 years younger when I had pimples and a full head of hair, rather then now, having no pimples and thinning hair. But that's just me. 8)

and to answer your question, I think badasshairdecade is right..... could take a couple weeks to a year.