I'm going to start gymcelling because of seeing myself on facebook


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Many of you will know my previously stated opinion on Gymcelling, and i labaled them as pathetic copers..

Well Something happened today, which has completely changed my opinion.

The pub i frequent with my mate on a Sat night has a facebook page and they post videos of the customers etc, anyway,.. i spotted myself on one of the videos and i look like a skinny twig. I was wearing a t-shirt, which i really shouldn't the weather is cold now.

The baldness don't really bother me much anymore, i can't do anything about it atm except dermaroll. But the skinnyness i can fix.

In the Gym i only do running and the elliptical machine + swimming someday I'm going to start incorporating bench pressing, rows, and military presses for my shoulders.

Next weekend i'll start wearing long sleeve shirts.


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Gym bros mow all the hoes. Nah but good idea, women are attracted to a good physique. Unless you're into hipsters who wear fishnet stockings


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women don't care in my experience
height/face/hair trumps
Yeah yeah. We heard that a million times.

Either way it's a good method to build confindence and has a lot of health and day to day benefits. Go for it, Pepe.


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haha i tried to start lifting today but i need an "induction" by one of the gymcelling Chad staff, and to fill out a health questionnaire.. It's booked for friday


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Dont forget to also juicemaxx. Go real weird with it. You have nothing to lose.
Gaddaffi-maxxing is the newest trend, old man.


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Many of you will know my previously stated opinion on Gymcelling, and i labaled them as pathetic copers..

Well Something happened today, which has completely changed my opinion.

The pub i frequent with my mate on a Sat night has a facebook page and they post videos of the customers etc, anyway,.. i spotted myself on one of the videos and i look like a skinny twig. I was wearing a t-shirt, which i really shouldn't the weather is cold now.

The baldness don't really bother me much anymore, i can't do anything about it atm except dermaroll. But the skinnyness i can fix.

In the Gym i only do running and the elliptical machine + swimming someday I'm going to start incorporating bench pressing, rows, and military presses for my shoulders.

Next weekend i'll start wearing long sleeve shirts.
Disgusting. Being bald is one thing but being all skin and bones, 0 muscle to go along with it? Absolutely pathetic

Im 100% sure a woman will prefer a nw0 with a beerbelly than a fit nw7.
It's not all about bellies

Shoulders, chest, arms, back.. they care about it all

But sure hairline (face) is more important

Also dudes with good hair and an average body don't take cringe gym selfies


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Disgusting. Being bald is one thing but being all skin and bones, 0 muscle to go along with it? Absolutely pathetic

It's not all about bellies

Shoulders, chest, arms, back.. they care about it all

But sure hairline (face) is more important

Also dudes with good hair and an average body don't take cringe gym selfies

i have a video of me working out on my dating app profile, had one girl match recently and wrote ‘nice gains’, talking to another recently who kept asking for more pictures when I sent her gym selfies

I also notice more women check me out at the gym as I’ve got bigger

when I was skinny as f***, did not get that level of attention at all


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Disgusting. Being bald is one thing but being all skin and bones, 0 muscle to go along with it? Absolutely pathetic

It's not all about bellies

Shoulders, chest, arms, back.. they care about it all

But sure hairline (face) is more important

Also dudes with good hair and an average body don't take cringe gym selfies

and yes I have heard women say to me that they love arms (especially broad shoulders)


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Keep in mind though, you'll likely make some noob gains and then begin to plateau, and won't really even look like you lift while wearing a shirt. It depends on your metabolism and body type, i.e. genetics.