I'm Doing It - Introduction + Newbie Questions.


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Hi all,

First and foremost, nice to meet you all, I'm (25-M) a new member here. I've always been a lurker in this forum. It's great to see that we have such a great community to support each other and share knowledge and tell stories that we can all relate to.

So, after 5 years of constantly shaving my head, earlier this year, I saw a Facebook video of the before and after of fitting of the hair replacement system and it completely changed my mind, a hundred percents. Previously, I always thought of wigs, toupees or hair replacement systems as a fake, unsustainable and completely detectable solution. I used to think why putting on a wig when it looks so fake and everyone can see it anyway. Oh boy had I been so wrong. The systems nowadays are so impressive, not only that they're virtually undetectable, they look even better than real hair in some cases.

I shaved, work out, focus on other parts my body and learn to be confident with myself, and I have had success in that. Having a shaved head never bothered me and people could see that I'm proud and bold (and bald). But there's something I have to admit. Regardless of how proud and confident I am, I've never been lucky in dating. I've been seeing a few people, but things never got past the friends with benefits level. I'd stand out in the club, people would look at me, some would have a chat with me, but after all they'd just move on. I guess I'm beautiful in my own way, and a lot of people I know agree with that, but rather being a dating material, I'm often viewed as exotic. The reason why I decided to make a change, is because I don't want to be that one friend that is nice to hang out with, but people never want to develop anything further than that.

I'm in the process of regrowing my hair from the shave so that i can have enough hair on the side and the back to make a good blend with the hair unit. it's currently only 0.3cm long, though, so I'll have to wait for at least a few weeks before I can even make an appointment at a salon to get it done.

I have some questions, hopefully you can help me with:

1) Do you know what would be the recommended length for the side and the back to have a nicely blended undercut? I can't wait to fit a hair unit on, but when I sent my inquiry to the salon, they said they're going to close for Christmas soon, and advised that because my hair is so short, I better wait a few weeks, ideally after that Christmas break. The waiting is killing me, because the more the hair grow, the more obvious the bald spot is (my bald spot is very bad). The people at work are starting to question why I have been wearing a hat lately.

2) How do you find a hair salon that does cutting for stock unit? The salon that I inquired sells stock units at double the price I can find somewhere else. They said to me they can fit the stock units from a third party supplier, but they'll charge 150% the fee for fitting. I want to learn how to order, do templates, fit the stock units on my own and go to a hair salon to cut, but I'm so inexperience in this and don't know whether a regular hair salon would do this. Do you think a lot of hair salons nowadays already have experience cutting stock units already? Or can this only be done at a specialized one?


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Hi LeBlanc, welcome to the board.

Your insight is absolutely right. The technology of men's hair systems has progressed enormously in the last decade, or more accurately technology that was only available to Hollywood actors is now as cheap as chips and available to the average guy. For a modest outlay you can have a nice head of good-looking hair, it's secure, so you can get on with your life pretty much without restrictions, and its realistic enough that basically no one needs to know you are wearing unless you choose to tell them.

Taking your questions:

1) the thing with an undercut is that you don't really need any side hair - some guys wear over buzzed sides (see pic), although personally I think a bit more hair looks better. But if you are keen to get fitted, why not go for the sparse look to start with and let your sides grown in while you are wearing?

2) there are differences between cutting in a hair system and doing an ordinary hair cut. Most men's barbers are not able to cut in a system. Properly trained hair stylists spend a bit of their training on wigs and hairpieces, so if you ask around more high-end salons you may find someone who has experience with systems and will do a cut-in. I will PM you some further thoughts on this.



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Hi Noah,

Thank you very much for your reply.

Regarding the answer of the second question:

View attachment 105194

2) there are differences between cutting in a hair system and doing an ordinary hair cut. Most men's barbers are not able to cut in a system. Properly trained hair stylists spend a bit of their training on wigs and hairpieces, so if you ask around more high-end salons you may find someone who has experience with systems and will do a cut-in. I will PM you some further thoughts on this.

What if I purchase the hair system and wear it first, then head to a barbershop to get it cut, I'd imagine this would be like doing a regular hair cut, would it? Because the barber will cut the hair on my head instead of cutting it on its own.

Has anyone ever done this?


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Hi Noah,

Thank you very much for your reply.

Regarding the answer of the second question:

What if I purchase the hair system and wear it first, then head to a barbershop to get it cut, I'd imagine this would be like doing a regular haircut, would it? Because the barber will cut the hair on my head instead of cutting it on its own.

Has anyone ever done this?

I don't recommend you to try that because the regular hair stylist always could try cut it, but not like real hair - if he will do a mistake, all the hair unit could damage and you will need to buy another one and its not the cheapest thing to do.
from my point of view you have 2 options :

1. I'm almost sure that if you gonna do a little research in your area you will find someone that takes care in hair systems and consider the fact that you need to do that only in the first time you got the unit that it something like once per 4-5 months (or more) so its not that bad.

2. You can ask your supplier to send it to a stylist and You contact her and show her a picture of your current look and the look you want (from a magazine or an old photo) and she cuts the system in at her salon and sends it to you ready to wear straight from the box.
if you want more info about this option so @Noah is your best source.


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Welcome. If you think you can attach your piece yourself , then you can certainly go to an experienced stylist. I have done so myself, I wore a hat as the uncut piece on a head isn't a pretty sight. Finding the stylist is the issue...

I was in a bind once and had a regular barber that charges 20 buckS to have a cutting. I explained clearly that he had to use a razor to blend the hair to mine, use thining shears and not cut with straight cisors . Turned out ok but it was gamble.

I suggest having at least 2 cm of your hair otherwise you may see the junction areas. Also, if you have short hair, I suggest an all lace piece. Poly sides and back are thicker, and again with short hair the junction areas are more visible.


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I always suggest working with a supplier that has a salon. This way you get your template done correctly, and you order a system with the base, hair, density, color, etc... that is right for you. Then, when the system arrives, they do the cut it.

I personally do NOT like the idea of cutting a hair system that is not on your head, I think there is a lot of room for mistakes, also, you then need to do the shave and attach the system yourself.

I had a local "stylist" attempt a cut on one of my cheaper units, it was a total disaster.