Im 15, Am I showing sign's of early receding?


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Hey, I'm 15 turning 16 next month and over the last view months I have been worrying that my hair has been showing signs of early receding. Also I use the term "worrying" lightly, I'm very happy with my hair, but lately it's kind of caught me off guard as I had one of my friend's comment on it jokingly. So im here to ask you opinions, and If I am indeed actually receding or if im just over thinking (Almost defineltey think it's receding). Also, I definitely don't want anything sugar coated, please tell me as it is. I'm also going to a doctor to see what he think's, should I just explain the situation to him? I'm not quite sure what to say. Finally I feel I should say that my Dad dosent have much hair now and has completely receded at the temples (age 46), but used to have really long thick hair in his teens/early adult hood and also his Dad was completely bold (My grandad) for as long as I can remember but ofcourse that's expected.
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Note: Ignore the rings around my ears, just wear my head phones have been.

Any advice/feedback on how I can stop this would be greatly appreciated.


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The hairline is almost NW2, but if you have always had that hairline you may not be receding.
Check right underneath your hairline, if there are a lot of thin short hairs, then you might be receding, if not maybe your hairline isn't receding.


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It can be but not necessarily.
NW2 is a stage of hairloss. if it stops there, its a mature hairline, if it doesn't its just the first stage of hairloss.


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Hey kiddo,

1) You must be attending one seriously shallow school to get worried about your hair this fast.
2) There is only one 100% verified way to slow down/halt hair loss and in some cases regrow (results vary) and that's finasteride. There are others (dutasteride and RU58841) but are more difficult to get.
3) Minoxodil is only a growth stimulant, it will NOT halt further follicle miniaturization.

Here's the problem with recommending Finasteride to you: you're 15. Meddling with your hormones by inhibiting dihydrotestosterone at you're age is setting you up for something far worse than potentially being bald. I would't recommend it at all to anyone under 20 and still have second thoughts about anyone under 25. Read up on the side effects, but in short they can cause gynecomastia (man boobs), brain fod, lowered libido (sex drive) and erectile dysfunction. So... do you want to have hair, get chicks but have a non-functioning dick or be bald and NOT get chicks but be bald but still have a functioning dick?

However, this may be rather pointless if Dr. Cotsarelis' PGD2 research proves worthwhile with Setipripant, supposed to be an inhibitor and work FAR better than Finasteride. Read the following thread:

Inhibiting PGD2 has ZERO effect on your dick. Once this treatment is released (and proven effective) it will be the first treatment out on the market in almost TWENTY YEARS.

Outside of Minoxidil (aka Rogaine), Propecia (Finasteride), Avodart (Dutasteride) and RU58841.... there is absolutely NOTHING that will treat hair loss.


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So... do you want to have hair, get chicks but have a non-functioning dick or be bald and NOT get chicks but be bald but still have a functioning dick?

Tough decision, at the very least you can still masturbate.

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However, this may be rather pointless if Dr. Cotsarelis' PGD2 research proves worthwhile with Setipripant, supposed to be an inhibitor and work FAR better than Finasteride.

Sounds great...when?


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looks like NW2 to me. if you have some pics from a few years ago it would be easier to judge if you've just always had a high hairline or if you're actually experiencing significant receding. a lot of doctors dont take this issue very seriously so you will probably just be laughed off at the doctor. i dont say that to discourage you, but you need to be prepared that youre probably going to see some middle aged man who will look at you, being 15, with a pretty solid hairline, and think you're just imagining things. maybe if you see a dermatologist things will be different but every time i went to see a normal doctor i was told that it's just a natural part of aging and something i had to accept (i was never made aware there were treatments like finasteride even after visiting 3 separate doctors)

So... do you want to have hair, get chicks but have a non-functioning dick or be bald and NOT get chicks but be bald but still have a functioning dick?

I wanted to piggy back off this one with some hard truths. i lost all my hair really young and by the time i found out about finasteride the side effects scared me off for a while but the more i thought about it i realized that there's no point having a functional dick if you're never going to be able to pick up girls anyway. if anything it just serves to taunt you. that might sound crazy, but think about it, what 18-22 year old girl wants to sleep with a guy who's practically bald at 22? very few guys can rock that look that young, and despite what everyone will tell you about how girls aren't really that shallow, the truth is they really are in a lot of cases. bald at 22 makes you look creepy, not mature/experienced/whatever else.

all that being said, it's not even a guarantee that you lose any sexual function. in fact the vast majority don't experience side effects. so it's an acceptable risk in my opinion unless you're one of the very few guys who can skate by purely on charisma/facial features/body.

just wanted to add that im not some bitter bald guy, i was in a relationship for 7 years until very recently and have no desire to get back into one for a long time so me being bald right now really doesnt matter. but i did observe that my interactions with women significantly declined when i lost my hair.


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Tough break. There's recession there, whether it will progress or not is hard to say although given your family history...

Like the other guys say, finasteride is our best defence against male pattern baldness but you're far too young at the moment. Use Nizoral every few days. The effects are minor but it's better than nothing


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I have to say that that you are the youngest one I've ever come across with Androgenetic Alopecia. 15, like holy crap. I know that doesn't help with anything but I really feel for you. Anyway, I see you are also suffering from acne, aren't you? Dutasteride could help with that aswell but then again, you're only 15 so that's kinda of a no-no.


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I have to say that that you are the youngest one I've ever come across with Androgenetic Alopecia. 15, like holy crap. I know that doesn't help with anything but I really feel for you. Anyway, I see you are also suffering from acne, aren't you? Dutasteride could help with that aswell but then again, you're only 15 so that's kinda of a no-no.

If he's suffering from acne, then CB-03-01 is another choice for him; it battles Androgenetic Alopecia and acne. Problem is getting it as its still in clinical trials.


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If he's suffering from acne, then CB-03-01 is another choice for him; it battles Androgenetic Alopecia and acne. Problem is getting it as its still in clinical trials.

No, Im not actually suffering from acne, I used a clearsil face wash that brings all redness and spots to the surface of the skin which makes them stand out (which I just used before taking the photo's), then roughly 10 minutes later my skin is clear and back to normal. I must point out these picture's are the most exaggerated ones possible regaurding recession.

Sound's strange but I think visually, the amount of receding completely varies depending on what kind of haircut I get. In the pictures is where my hair got pretty long and thick, and this is when the ressesion looks the worst. However usually I get a hair cut about grade 2 on the sides and the same style on top but shortened/tidyed up and I think sometimes they use thinning scissors. Once that's done, the recession looks almost near to none, and completely blends in with the rest of my hair.

Regarding older pictures, I used to have my hair in a mop-head style and recently changed it to a quiff sort of style over the last 2 years. This may be the reason I have never noticed this before, nore do I know how high my hairline actually was at this point. Also this is how my skin usually looks (recent picture)

2013: Recent: (Recent picture is usually how it looks on a day to day bases also. School/going out etc, however it is a lot longer now than it was in that picture. I use product to make my hair thicker and to give it the bouncy quiff style) - Will be getting haircut soon/can keep you updated

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looks like NW2 to me. if you have some pics from a few years ago it would be easier to judge if you've just always had a high hairline or if you're actually experiencing significant receding. a lot of doctors dont take this issue very seriously so you will probably just be laughed off at the doctor. i dont say that to discourage you, but you need to be prepared that youre probably going to see some middle aged man who will look at you, being 15, with a pretty solid hairline, and think you're just imagining things. maybe if you see a dermatologist things will be different but every time i went to see a normal doctor i was told that it's just a natural part of aging and something i had to accept (i was never made aware there were treatments like finasteride even after visiting 3 separate doctors)

I wanted to piggy back off this one with some hard truths. i lost all my hair really young and by the time i found out about finasteride the side effects scared me off for a while but the more i thought about it i realized that there's no point having a functional dick if you're never going to be able to pick up girls anyway. if anything it just serves to taunt you. that might sound crazy, but think about it, what 18-22 year old girl wants to sleep with a guy who's practically bald at 22? very few guys can rock that look that young, and despite what everyone will tell you about how girls aren't really that shallow, the truth is they really are in a lot of cases. bald at 22 makes you look creepy, not mature/experienced/whatever else.

all that being said, it's not even a guarantee that you lose any sexual function. in fact the vast majority don't experience side effects. so it's an acceptable risk in my opinion unless you're one of the very few guys who can skate by purely on charisma/facial features/body.

just wanted to add that im not some bitter bald guy, i was in a relationship for 7 years until very recently and have no desire to get back into one for a long time so me being bald right now really doesnt matter. but i did observe that my interactions with women significantly declined when i lost my hair.

I agree, but since I am younger in this case they kind of pay more attention if I say I feel it's bothering me and making me feel "unhappy" about myself. (That's pretty much the way it works here) However age is a major issue and I doubt ill get any help apart from some advice on what they can do in the future. Ill let you know what they say, going Thursday.


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When you turn 18 decide whether or not you want to get on Finasteride based on your hairline at that age. If your hairline gets bad before that point then you might want to try Minoxidil to hold you over until you turn 18.


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Best thing you can do is monitor it over the next year, take pictures every couple months see if you notice anymore recession. Take nizoral as of now and wait till you see your derm/gp to evaluate.


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Best thing you can do is monitor it over the next year, take pictures every couple months see if you notice anymore recession. Take nizoral as of now and wait till you see your derm/gp to evaluate.

If the dude has some kind of birth mark around his hairline, he can use that to measure the distance between it and the hairline over time.


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Way too early to tell, and way too early to do anything about it. Enjoy life and come back in three years time.


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I had a guy message me on here I’m now 21 it’s crazy looking back at this, but to help my brothers my update is that finasteride saved my life and hair