If You Get All Your Hair Back, How Are You Going To Feel About Graying?


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If we are so lucky to be true fullheads ever again, how will you deal with gray hair? Some gray hair looks cool, but not always. Sometimes it looks mangy and aging as f***.

Would you leave it as is? Dye it? I feel like there is a little bit of a stigma about guys dying their hair. Its kind of creepy, maybe? Or not, but there's a negative stigma at least. Especially for older guys where its obvious. Paul McCartney springs to mind. I've dyed a few times but it seems like a lot of work and requires massive upkeep. I have a heavy beard which is greying also, so the stubble shows white anyway. Right now I'm not all that gray but seems like its really taking off. Caucasians gray faster and imo generally detoriorate fast in their 30s. Would you dye your horse shoe? I sometimes see advanced Norwoods who I think still look better than me (I'm diffuse, still have a lot of hair) because even well into their 40s they have no grey.

I really really feel like balding and greying are two afflictions that science should have resolved by now.


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Greying isn't nearly as bad as balding

Oh for sure. I wouldn't suggest otherwise. They're not even in the same ballpark. Still, as people who are clearly looks-aware, and as people who have waged and will wage various wars to keep our hair, I wonder how the younger posters (for instance) plan on dealing with grays. I know dye it is the obvious answer but I'm still curious. Lots of dudes never do dye it. Some keep dying it till there 80. A few (very few) don't ever really go gray.


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Oh for sure. I wouldn't suggest otherwise. They're not even in the same ballpark. Still, as people who are clearly looks-aware, and as people who have waged and will wage various wars to keep our hair, I wonder how the younger posters (for instance) plan on dealing with grays. I know dye it is the obvious answer but I'm still curious. Lots of dudes never do dye it. Some keep dying it till there 80. A few (very few) don't ever really go gray.
I don't know man, my dad has been dying his hair for over 10 years and I have seen him dye it all my life, so since childhood I just assumed dying really is the answer for greying hair. I don't know if there are other ways to deal with it tho. But for now, dying seems to be the answer for me.


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Who gives a sh*t, I'll take a flowing full discolor with absolutely no issues at all. Full silver, rock that all day.


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Lol greying ain't even a big deal. Know a kid who started greying at 19, like real bad. Started dying his hair. Can't tell at all he's greying anymore. Balding is infinitely worse. Balding and greying young has gotta be the worst tho.


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I got a salt/pepper look, starting greying around 30, I'm 39 now. Actually, my facial hair is greying faster. I never dyed it, I like the look. If you are in your mid 20's with greying hair, I can see wanting to dye it, past 30 I think it looks alright.


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I started graying at 14, just like my mom who of course was dyeing hers, at first it bothered me and I got a couple of jokes on it from my closest friends in school. The other kids that I'm not too close with acted like they didnt notice it. It bothered me at first but after an year I stopped caring about it..I kind of grew to like it tbh. Now that i'm starting to lose my temples I couldn't give any less fucks about graying, lol

I was thinking about dyeing it a lot tbh, although at one point I wanted to dye it white, so that speaks volumes of how little I cared about it

My best friend used to tell me I'll be fully gray in my 30s, jokes on him, I'll have no hair by then, ha ha !
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Dying hair is acceptable as long as you look younger than about 45 in the face. After that you need to at least let some salt and pepper in or something will look "off"

But either way good looking youthful dude with full head of grey hair is a good look


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Dying hair is acceptable as long as you look younger than about 45 in the face. After that you need to at least let some salt and pepper in or something will look "off"

But either way good looking youthful dude with full head of grey hair is a good look
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Yeah silver fox can slay all day, seen it work even with the youngins. It's the hairline combined with the thickness that counts. With a full head, even when you're ugly, you're still good looking.


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Ah this thread makes me feel good...not.
I'm 27 and have A LOT of grey/white hairs and I suspect male pattern baldness.


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Ah this thread makes me feel good...not.
I'm 27 and have A LOT of grey/white hairs and I suspect male pattern baldness.
I'm 20, have a lot of grey hairs and i'm sure i got male pattern baldness.
get on my level


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And I have to say, if I have the luck to keep most of my hair, or not end up in a more severe degree of the norwood scale, I actually look forward to white/grey/silver hair because I think it can look really f*****g awesome.


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If we are so lucky to be true fullheads ever again, how will you deal with gray hair? Some gray hair looks cool, but not always. Sometimes it looks mangy and aging as f***.

Would you leave it as is? Dye it? I feel like there is a little bit of a stigma about guys dying their hair. Its kind of creepy, maybe? Or not, but there's a negative stigma at least. Especially for older guys where its obvious. Paul McCartney springs to mind. I've dyed a few times but it seems like a lot of work and requires massive upkeep. I have a heavy beard which is greying also, so the stubble shows white anyway. Right now I'm not all that gray but seems like its really taking off. Caucasians gray faster and imo generally detoriorate fast in their 30s. Would you dye your horse shoe? I sometimes see advanced Norwoods who I think still look better than me (I'm diffuse, still have a lot of hair) because even well into their 40s they have no grey.

I really really feel like balding and greying are two afflictions that science should have resolved by now.

Wouldn't give a f***. I'm getting some white hairs on the sides and my beard. I'm only 25. Obviously, it's not visible yet, just a few strands. When I'm 30 I think it's going to be significant.

I guess, if I can deal with male pattern baldness at 18/19 + a few white hairs, then I can easily deal with the same but with a full thick healthy head of hair, easily.


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Not at all, i'm a 20yr old college freshman you're 27. I'm sure of my male pattern baldness you're not sure of yours.

Well let me correct myself. I am sure of male pattern baldness...but luckily for the time being it's not to the more severe level. Where are you on the male pattern baldness scale?