If you can deal with the head shave, do it


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It really depends a lot on your facial features. I have really thick eyebrows so I think that helps. Judging by other dudes with a complete shave or real short buzz I've noticed that the dudes who look kinda creepy usually have pretty weak eyebrows. A little bit of facial hair doesn't hurt either. Not being overweight with fat cheeks and not having a big forehead also helps although my face is a bit round. I think the square jaw peeps rock the look real good. Having an abnormally shaped or bumpy head wouldn't help either.

I look better with hair and I don't think I'd shave it again, but it's good knowing that if that's the worst I'll ever have to look then I'm not that bad off.


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TheGrayMan2001 said:
The more defined and "blocked off" or "square" your jaw and face is, the better you look with the shaved head.

I don't necessarily agree with that, I have seen guys with narrow jaws who look good with the buzzcut, I think I am one of them. :whistle:


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I'm not having a go at anyone over this post, but it just seems to me that.....
If you can deal with the head shave, do it
then you wouldn't really be on these forums in the first place if you could deal with that? I may be wrong. Just my opinion. Sorry if I offend anyone, but if I was happy to do that then I wouldn't have been bothered enough to seek you helpful guys out.