If We Switch From dutasteride To finasteride, How Much Hair Can We Expect To Lose?


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Ok in which case I think start dutasteride 1 capsule of 0.5 mg every day now then you’ll know you’ve done everything you could for your hair and there will be no regrets on that front. dutasteride gave me good regrowth at the back but didn’t even stop the loss at the front so certainly don’t expect regrowth. It’s better to think of it as just providing slightly stronger maintenance than finasteride. If daily dutasteride stops your hair loss after 6 months you could reduce your dose of dutasteride if taking it long term makes you feel nervous. Eg in six months reduce it to dutasteride mon, wed, fri, sun with finasteride on the other days. It works in the body much longer than finasteride. If you have success on every other day for six months you could further reduce it to 2 or 3 per week then wait 6 more months. Eventually you could end up just taking one dutasteride per week with finasteride the other days, many people do this. Make sure you closely monitor your hair shedding at all times when reducing dosage- if your shedding speeds up after lowering dutasteride dosage then return to your previous dosage. Everyone sheds differently but for me, when meds are working I can pull on a clump of hair and nothing comes out. When they stopped working I’d get anything from 1-5 hairs at a time when I pulled on a hand full.
If even daily dutasteride doesn’t stop your hair loss you have the option to add in CB or RU topically. I apply 50mg of either per day in 1ml of stemoxidine to the front. Keep hair short and rub in well. They seem to be similar in strength at this dosage

I really can’t afford to lose anymore hair that’s why I don’t want to wait and see if I lose any