if one has low t and poor cardio health wouldnt that mean that its cardio re'ated dht


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i read theres a link between male pattern baldness and heart issues. wouldnt improving my heart health slow or stop my male pattern baldness if its the culprit?


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you got a link to that?

And idk about it tbh. a lot of people look up stuff that can cause general hair loss and think it applies to male pattern baldness. like uh diabetes is one i see people bring up often. thing is the patterns of male pattern baldness are specific to male pattern baldness. hair loss from health issues is usually all over the body, if it's hair on your head you're noticing it's usually all over as well. Idk that health can cause receding hair lines and diffuse thinning. that all said I don't really understand what you mean by cardio related dht? like having bad heart health causes rises in dht or? you'll have to educate me on that.


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There are tons of articles on heart health and mon

My dad has congestive heart failure and he lost hair young. Im fat and have been inactive for a long time due to medical issues. It stands to reason that I likely have or will have his same issues, but if I improve my cardiovascular maybe itll help of reverse my male pattern baldness to some degree. Does that sound sane to you? I hit 300 lbs recently. I got sick in march and gained 20 lbs since due to increased inactivity. My hair loss has spread up following my illness. was about 250 when I was diagnosed with male pattern baldness. My hair loss also sped up on anti anxiety meds.(drug slowed my heart and made me lazy) My identical brother is slim and active. He doesn't appear to have hair loss.


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People might argue about it because no one knows anything, but I think they are completely separate. I dont think gaining weight/losing it or heart health does anything for male pattern baldness. I dont know how strong the correlation is between male pattern baldness and heart issues


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Significant increase in heart issues for those who bald early.