if jesus went bald


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i beleive the entire world would be different now

people would not beleive him, people would say "where is your god now" he would be treated as a phony , a fraud.

he'd be a social joke the second he shows signs

the entire worlds history would also be changed as well, make no mistake of that.

in fact society might be fucked as well, since at that time society was in need of religioun.


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Forget about Jesus being bald the guys from the middle east and he's white with blue eyes and light brown hair.

Hang on ..... maybe he's not actually a real person. :whistle:


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Rival said:
Ya I know man.

Imagine if Winston Churchill was bald?

There's no way Great Britain would have survived WW2 with a bald leader. Nobody would have listened to him. They would be under Nazi control. They would have also been f*cked.

Oh wait, he was bald.....

TBF though you cant tell me that someone like that would get elected these days. 20 yrs from now our PM is going to look like this:



  • zac-efron-hair-bangs.jpg
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optimus prime

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s.a.f said:
Forget about Jesus being bald the guys from the middle east and he's white with blue eyes and light brown hair.

Hang on ..... maybe he's not actually a real person. :whistle:

Eh? Plenty of Syrians have blue eyes. What are you talking about.


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optimus prime said:
[quote="s.a.f":3h85p05c]Forget about Jesus being bald the guys from the middle east and he's white with blue eyes and light brown hair.

Hang on ..... maybe he's not actually a real person. :whistle:

Eh? Plenty of Syrians have blue eyes. What are you talking about.[/quote:3h85p05c]

As you may know many of the Europeans came from India and some other Asian lands that's why some Syrians and separate other arabic settlements still have blue eyes and very light skin like us.
As for that sexy kid in the picture above, I am sure he has temples and some minor recession already. Possibly, he will develop a Jude Law kind of male pattern baldness...

optimus prime

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s.a.f said:
TBF though you cant tell me that someone like that would get elected these days. 20 yrs from now our PM is going to look like this:

Here are two Elected MP's in the UK off the top of my head. Both elected by the people, both once leaders of the conservative party, both got high up jobs.




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optimus prime said:
[quote="s.a.f":3bashyid]TBF though you cant tell me that someone like that would get elected these days. 20 yrs from now our PM is going to look like this:

Here are two Elected MP's in the UK off the top of my head. Both elected by the people, both once leaders of the conservative party, both got high up jobs.



They were party elected, yes they won regional seats but in the general election both failed miserably in the public polls then along comes Cameron - younger with nice hair and teeth and hey presto - success.

People like to have guys like Hague and IDS on the benches but representing our country on the international stage? - No

I'd say its only recently that this has come into play and is probably a subconcious issue but I really dont think that even a guy looking like John Major would get elected these days.

Remember the leaders televised debates? The lib dems were no where until Clegg got his face on tv then suddenly they went into the lead! (temporarily) By contrast Brown the old man of the group did very badly.
Honestly this country is a joke, Simon Cowell dictates what makes it to the top of the charts and 90% of his acts are looks over talent.


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optimus prime said:
[quote="s.a.f":3oz6som4]Forget about Jesus being bald the guys from the middle east and he's white with blue eyes and light brown hair.

Hang on ..... maybe he's not actually a real person. :whistle:

Eh? Plenty of Syrians have blue eyes. What are you talking about.[/quote:3oz6som4]

Well having travelled through Isreal and visited Nazareth and Bethlehem I can say I never once saw a single native without dark skin, hair and eyes.

Anyway are we really actually debating on what a fictional character looked like?
The image of Jesus is obviously created to portray an ideal standard. No one was ever going to illustrate Jesus with any physical flaws, you'll never see a bible with a short, fat, bald or ugly Jesus. Same with Moses of course he had a thick NW1 into his 70's and 80's. (did'nt he live to be 113 or something) :whistle: and Adam and Eve. Although I'm suprised Judas was'nt a fat bald guy.

optimus prime

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s.a.f said:
They were party elected, yes they won regional seats but in the general election both failed miserably in the public polls then along comes Cameron - younger with nice hair and teeth and hey presto - success.

Elected is elected. They were voted into their position of MP by the people. The reason Hague and IDS failed was because the country was inlove with the labour party. It is common for a party to stay in charge for 10 years, then swap, and the other party for 10 years. Cameron did not even win. People stopped voting for labour because they were sh*t. Even with labour so sh*t and all his hair Cameron could not win it.

s.a.f said:
People like to have guys like Hague and IDS on the benches but representing our country on the international stage? - No

Hague is foreign minster. Don't get much more international than that. Never once heard anyone criticise him for his hair.

s.a.f said:
Honestly this country is a joke, Simon Cowell dictates what makes it to the top of the charts and 90% of his acts are looks over talent.

I agree, this country is a joke.

I don't know why you're so harsh on the bald guys. Look at Steve Jobs. He was leading the most iconic business in the world and everyone loved him.


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optimus prime said:
Elected is elected. They were voted into their position of MP by the people. The reason Hague and IDS failed was because the country was inlove with the labour party. It is common for a party to stay in charge for 10 years, then swap, and the other party for 10 years. Cameron did not even win. People stopped voting for labour because they were sh*t. Even with labour so sh*t and all his hair Cameron could not win it.

Hague is foreign minster. Don't get much more international than that. Never once heard anyone criticise him for his hair.

I agree, this country is a joke.

I don't know why you're so harsh on the bald guys. Look at Steve Jobs. He was leading the most iconic business in the world and everyone loved him.

You cant say elected is elected regional seats and being party leader are leagues apart. But Hague is only representing to other politicans you cant compare the what he does to being PM. Go to any country in the world show them Hagues picture and no one at all would know who he is do the same with Cameron and anyone who's smart enough to take an interest in politics would know who he is - he is the Spokesman for Britain.

As for Steve Jobs its a totally seperate issue nobody is voting for him to do what he did.
In politics you have to win people over you have to be popular in business it does'nt matter. Jobs was popular because of what he brought to the world.
Politicians have to get elected before they can even begin to do anything.
You cant deny that people are influenced by what they see. And they do judge a book by its cover.
The world is full of people choosing the best looking partners over more suitable but less attractive ones.


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s.a.f said:
[...] Anyway are we really actually debating on what a fictional character looked like?

Maybe not the son of God but definitely not fictional.


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Belmondo said:
s.a.f said:
[...] Anyway are we really actually debating on what a fictional character looked like?

Maybe not the son of God but definitely not fictional.

Sorry but Jesus was'nt even the first recorded story of the son of God there was a character that pre dates him (Horus) who was also apparently born on 25th Dec to a virgin mother who also healed people and performed miracles such as walking on water.

There is no actual evidence of Jesus existing any more than there is of King Arthur for instance.

I could just as easily claim that George and the dragon is a real story.


No self-respecting historian will tell you that Jesus is fictional. He existed, there is enough proof, and that's widely considered as a fact. Some can only argue whether he was a son of God or not.


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s.a.f said:
Belmondo said:

[...] Anyway are we really actually debating on what a fictional character looked like?

Maybe not the son of God but definitely not fictional.

Sorry but Jesus was'nt even the first recorded story of the son of God there was a character that pre dates him who was also apparently born on 25th Dec to a virgin mother who also healed people and performed miracles such as walking on water.

There is no actual evidence of Jesus existing any more than there is of King Arthur for instance.

I could just as easily claim that George and the dragon is a real story.[/quote:1m53llac]

Two things
@SAF 1. No that is what he is saying. Jesus existed, just like a few thousand other guys wandering around claiming such acts but a guy existed. The stories surrounding him are the debatable parts. You know what I mean?

@ALL 2. I really miss these threads and hope we can get them going again without turning them into immature cat fights. Lots of very smart and interesting people on this forum. Just respect everyone's belief systems.


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TravisB said:
No self-respecting historian will tell you that Jesus is fictional. He existed, there is enough proof, and that's widely considered as a fact. Some can only argue whether he was a son of God or not.



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cassin said:
@SAF 1. No that is what he is saying. Jesus existed, just like a few thousand other guys wandering around claiming such acts but a guy existed. The stories surrounding him are the debatable parts. You know what I mean?

@ALL 2. I really miss these threads and hope we can get them going again without turning them into immature cat fights. Lots of very smart and interesting people on this forum. Just respect everyone's belief systems.

If you're saying that 2000 yrs ago a guy came along and claimed to be the son of God and managed to get people to believe and follow him (abit like many men have since done eg David Koresh). Probably pulling off the same kind of con tricks that traveling snake oil salesmen or evangelical religious channel preachers use. Then over time rumour and exaggeration have led to the story that we now have. Then yes I can certainly believe that.

A religious thread that does'nt turn into a cat fight? Good luck with that!


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essential viewing regarding the history of the j-man



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Here's the question that you must ask yourself: would all of Jesus's disciples (men who walked among him) have died for a lie? Many of them were persecuted and vilolenty exceuted after his crucifixion, because they stood for what they believed in, and they believed that he was who he claimed to be, these were eye witnesses, not just men who read a story.

How many men do you know who would die for a lie, imagine if you walked among peers and they all died horrible deaths for you, maybe they would have had a good reason for believing in what you said!

Do you truly find the fact that we are still discussing this thousands of years later irrelevant, or the fact that the old testament of the bible predicted Christ's crucifixion in intricate detail, thousands of years before crucifixion was invented?

optimus prime

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kinofthedemo2 said:
Here's the question that you must ask yourself: would all of Jesus's disciples (men who walked among him) have died for a lie? Many of them were persecuted and vilolenty exceuted after his crucifixion, because they stood for what they believed in, and they believed that he was who he claimed to be, these were eye witnesses, not just men who read a story.

How many men do you know who would die for a lie, imagine if you walked among peers and they all died horrible deaths for you, maybe they would have had a good reason for believing in what you said!

Do you truly find the fact that we are still discussing this thousands of years later irrelevant, or the fact that the old testament of the bible predicted Christ's crucifixion in intricate detail, thousands of years before crucifixion was invented?

Don't bother arguing it out. We have been there done that. I think nearly everyone agrees Jesus lived, the debate is if he was the son of God.

And to SAF: Putin, Berlusconi (had transplant while President) and Jacque Chirac (1995 - 2007) all three elected presidents in recent/current history. All seriously balding/bald.