I'd like to jump on it NOW


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Whole Story:
Well within the past 2 years or so I've noticed my hairline dwindling down. At first I didnt think much of it, because I thought I was way too young to start balding (I'm 19.) But now I constantly find hairs everywhere. I can also now see my scalp when my hair is wet, and my hairline is definitely receding. I scheduled an appointment at a local dermatologist and she gave me some info that I already knew (thanks to this website!) and then had me get some blood work done. Everything went fine and then she told me to pick a pharmacy for my Propecia. I called a local one and they told me it would be something around $80 for 30 days worth. This just isn't cutting it for me. I searched and searched this forum and I can't seem to be able to find which online pharmacies are legitimate. I'm looking to get on actual Propecia or Proscar. Preferrably Proscar, because I'm a college student. I just need some tips on where to buy this stuff from. I'm in the USA, and I'd like to order this ASAP. I already have Rogaine that I ordered, and I plan on picking up some Nizoral shortly. Thanks in advance guys! Just point me in the direction and I'll greatly appreciate it.

Short Story:

I need somebody to point me in the direction of some quality online drugstores for PROPECIA or PROSCAR. I do not want generic, as I've read too many horror stories on this forum about them. I'd rather just get the actual stuff and save myself the hassle. I'm in the USA and I'd like to order it ASAP...as early as tomorrow! Thanks!


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Pattern Against User said:
i ordered real proscar from _elite net pharmacy . com_. quick delivery.

I guess Im simply confused because I don't know how to tell the difference between actual proscar and generic...what do I look for?


Senior Member
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Real Merck Proscar is light blue, in a diamond shape and on one side says "PROSCAR" the other side "MSD 72".


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lol, I tried to order from elite net pharmacy and they don't accept MasterCards...only VISA.


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PropeciaJunkie said:
Real Merck Proscar is light blue, in a diamond shape and on one side says "PROSCAR" the other side "MSD 72".
thanks a lot! that will prevent me from getting ripped off. Could I ask you how to tell the difference between generic and actual Propecia now?


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ItsTIME said:
PropeciaJunkie said:
Real Merck Proscar is light blue, in a diamond shape and on one side says "PROSCAR" the other side "MSD 72".
thanks a lot! that will prevent me from getting ripped off. Could I ask you how to tell the difference between generic and actual Propecia now?

You know that generic and actual propecia are the same thing except for the name right? Save some money and buy generic, unless you don't mind spending the money.


Established Member
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Also remember for health insurance reasons that many US companies will raise your rates for Proscar because its prescribed for prostate, which is an insurance red flag. You can chose to save on the front end or back. Either way your gonna pay for your fertilizer.


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Ichibi said:
You know that generic and actual propecia are the same thing except for the name right? Save some money and buy generic, unless you don't mind spending the money.

Really? I've read a couple posts on this forum claiming that the generic Propecia doesnt do the job. Tbh, I'd rather not take the chance...but who knows?

I guess if you've had success with generics I might take a look at them. Where's a safe place to buy generics and/or actual Propecia and/or Proscar? Too many of these places look like they're in it for the money =/