i witness the cure for hairlloss


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Ah yes, this is a wonderful endorsement for a vacation in the Dominican Republic :p

Seriously, I'm curious if his hair regrowth had to do with his lower stress levels AND diet? This is very intriguing to me.


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SEfreak said:
silkeysmooth said:
Cornholio, how is it an over-used argument?

It makes perfect sense to most people, I don't understand why you find it so hard to accept that nutrition may play a role in male pattern baldness.

(I think you are referring to me).

Like I said it seems like genetics to me, as it is genetics that defines that asians have almost non-existent bodyhair.

Yes, but you haven't addressed the main point, which is that once the Asians adopted a more Western diet, their hairloss allegedly INCREASED. That's the point. How would you explain THAT?



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Bryan said:
SEfreak said:
silkeysmooth said:
Cornholio, how is it an over-used argument?

It makes perfect sense to most people, I don't understand why you find it so hard to accept that nutrition may play a role in male pattern baldness.

(I think you are referring to me).

Like I said it seems like genetics to me, as it is genetics that defines that asians have almost non-existent bodyhair.

Yes, but you haven't addressed the main point, which is that once the Asians adopted a more Western diet, their hairloss allegedly INCREASED. ..... ?


... as did their instances of heart disease and obesity.


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hair_tomorrow said:
Bryan said:
SEfreak said:
silkeysmooth said:
Cornholio, how is it an over-used argument?

It makes perfect sense to most people, I don't understand why you find it so hard to accept that nutrition may play a role in male pattern baldness.

(I think you are referring to me).

Like I said it seems like genetics to me, as it is genetics that defines that asians have almost non-existent bodyhair.

Yes, but you haven't addressed the main point, which is that once the Asians adopted a more Western diet, their hairloss allegedly INCREASED. ..... ?


... as did their instances of heart disease and obesity.

Refined sugar and cholesterol are the biggest causes of obseity and heart disease. Who knows, maybe diet does play a key role in hairloss... it would make sense since i'm following my dad's hairloss only ten years sooner than he did...

As an after thought, maybe our diets can increase androgen in the body leading to a speeding up of the male pattern baldness process? I'm just guessing though..


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eduardmc said:
first i would like to say that this is a story that happened to my friend about 5 year ago, and i was a witness.

my friend started loosing his hair, nw7, (really noticeable, amost no hair on top). we took a vacation to my country (caribean dominican republic) to relax for 3 months we where enjoying and partying everyday, after 3 weeks, his entired top was filling in and by the 3 month he had all his hair back. i know some of u won't believe all this, but is entirely true. when we came back, he went to live in NC and i kept living in NY. after 5 year now i saw him a couple of weeks ago, and he was NW7 shave head. i still can't understand how all his hair grew back withing the 3 months his was in our native country, to bad he lost all his hair when he came back. i went to visit my country again about 3 month ago and i notice that all my friend that live there are not suffering from hairloss, i might have to go and stay there for a year to see if it helps. have their been any story on climate condition?
Dont get me wrong, id love for this to be true but...
How could this be possible, to go from a norwood 7 to having all your hair back in 3 months. Hair miniaturizes whne balding, so at norwood 7 his enire head has miniatuirized. I would think it impossible to go from norwood 7 to full head of hair in 3 months. The process of regrowth invovles hair cycling many times back to previous thickness, with the follicle getting larger. so 3 months is No where near enough time to go from a NORWOOD 7 to a full head of hair.


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SEfreak said:
This is IMO an overused argument(the one about the Asians traditionally having lower incidence of male pattern baldness). Has it occurred to anyone that it is purely genetic? Asians have obviously less bodyhair than others. Is that due to nutrition too?

Plus asians have very small penises, its like they have naturally lower DHT or something.


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Thinning said:
SEfreak said:
This is IMO an overused argument(the one about the Asians traditionally having lower incidence of male pattern baldness). Has it occurred to anyone that it is purely genetic? Asians have obviously less bodyhair than others. Is that due to nutrition too?

Plus asians have very small penises, its like they have naturally lower DHT or something.
What an uneducated a**h** remark. Its our bodies sensitvity to dht that gets us balders, not the amount.