I went to my GP today


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Even though I already ordered my propecia via an online pharmacy I noticed that I could save nearly 50% on my propecia bill by getting a prescription from my GP so I went to see him - gosh what an experience. Here is what he had to say ( I went to great pains not to appear like a know it all as I know how irritating they find it)

1) He said Regaine worked in the same way as propecia "lowering a certain hormone in the body"

2) He didnt mention any of the potential side effects of propecia

3) He thought it was quite unusual that I would want to use propecia to stop hairloss and in his words "maybe when you get married you will want to stop taking it as you will be in a relationship" of course thats the only reason I want hair!

4) He told me I shouldnt take propecia if I am having unprotected sex due to the presence of finasteride in semen (against the manufacturers claims)

5) The last thing he said to me was he usually reccomends guys that come in against using propecia who are 18/19 as the drug is a lifelong commitment but since I am 28 its ok

Dont get me wrong I like my GP he's a nice guy but talk about misinformation. Anyhow Ive got the private prescription of him so I will be paying £28 per month instead of £50 so Im happy.


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Wow. He sounds fairly clueless. But if that's what it takes for you to save money... so be it. Good luck.


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lithebod said:
4) He told me I shouldnt take propecia if I am having unprotected sex due to the presence of finasteride in semen (against the manufacturers claims)

That is just crazy for a doctor to even mention this. Not to say the least worrying


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I get the feeling that the the book he was reading from during my consultation) was really old as I remember reading on the HairLossTalk.com main site that originally merck had advised men not to use propecia when trying to concieve a child but then later revised that warning - I have to say it was very suprising just how uninformed he was - it just makes me wonder what other ailments he is clueless about


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This kind of ignorance is quite widespread in Primary health care settings.


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I pay £37.56 per month for mine on private prescription!! :freaked:

It took me FOUR visits to several doctors at my practice to get them to prescribe me propecia before I was finally allowed after much begging and pleading, my GP let me have it with the parting words "Do so at your own risk, don't come back to me when you're impotent". Tossers.


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Im getting mine from boots online pharmacy now its £30 per month (not £28 as I thought) but its still quite a bit cheaper then what I was paying before.

I'll count myself lucky then that my GP was more compliant - he even said to come back and see him in 3 months to see how Im going with it.


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my GP/trichologist has warned me off finasteride mainly as he thinks it hasn't been around long enough for people to know of the long term effects and worries what it'll be like for me in 10/20/30 years time. It's REALLY irritating as I've gone with my mum and it's really scared her.

BUT I've baiscally said "I will buy it with or without your approval via an online pharmacy" so he reccomended me see someone a little more experienced with finasteride and see what happens.

One thing he did say which was really good of him was "if you're going to take it anyway at least come in for blood tests etc whilst on it so we can see that you're doing okay". This was comforting.

I'm still not on it yet due to being away and not getting round to it. Yes i am an arse! But I will get on it sooner or later, I just hope I get a prescription because it'll save money.