I went bald and wish i'd taken the plunge sooner


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I started going bald at 18 and it sucked. Naturally i beat myself up about the whole thing. I went through several phases of denial and cover ups eg combe over, hats. I look back now after the big shave off and regret not doing it sooner.

I think the biggest thing for a lot of people is not taking the leap, i lost a lot of time and a lot of confidence in the period between my realisation and finally shaving. This middle ground is where everyone suffers.

Now i'm 27 bald (for 4 years) and really the happiest i think i've ever been. I am engaged to a beautiful girl that quite frankly would have been out of my league with hair. After shaving my luck with the opposite sex grew my life opportunities grew. When i had hair i was less confident and really didn't have the luck and integrity i have now.

Like i said at 18 it sucked but if i knew then what i know now, i would have been bald by 20 rather than worrying for a few years

So my message to anyone who went through this, believe me its not the end of the world. Don't be ashamed or depressed, just go with it and reveal to yourself what a liberated man you will be rather than concerning yourself with worry

And thats me, Jack


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My Regimen
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sounds like you were never aware of treatment options


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Good on you man. I respect that you've embraced what many fear, including myself.


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Keys to success: hit the gym, get big, and get a tan. Hair loss problem solved.


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sounds like you were never aware of treatment options

Your pictures show a lot of growth

I just started propecia. Should I expect anything in first few months??

Should I use Rogaine with it?

I wish I'd known about treatment options before I lost so much hair


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My Regimen
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Keys to success: hit the gym, get big, and get a tan. Hair loss problem solved.

Really? Getting big and tanned reverses hair loss? I didn't know this.


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My Regimen
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Your pictures show a lot of growth

I just started propecia. Should I expect anything in first few months??

Should I use Rogaine with it?

I wish I'd known about treatment options before I lost so much hair

If you are satisfied with maintaining alone, I woudnt bother with minoxidil. But if you want max regrowth possible I would start minoxidil with finasteride. Regrowth doesn't always happen within only a few months. For half of people they will not get noticeable regrowth at all, only maintain


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I have to respond as a female who was into fitness before getting pregnant with my second child. Still thin but haven't worked out in about 2.5 years. I don't believe I was the exception to the rule but my eyes always followed the bald men at the gym that were built and had a nice physique. I was initially attracted to my husband because he was bald. Not due to thinning. By his own choice. He wasn't an athlete or gym rat either. But there are attractive women who really are attracted to bald men. I also dated a guy who was 40 when I was 23 and he was bald due to genetics. I consider or used to consider myself very attractive before I lost my hair. I will post pics of myself when I get a chance of my before. Not sure I have a big enough vagina to show current pics. So please men do yourself a favor and shave it! Stop obsessing like I do every day. You have an option and I would do anything to have that option too. Shave and stop worrying about your hair and take up the gym. Focus on your health and rock it cuz you can!


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So did you only pick out parts of my post that suited your argument? I guess you skipped over the part of the guy I dated at 23 who was 40 and completely bald not by his choice! I've read many posts by you and your very cynical and miserable. So do something about it! The OP did...why can't you?

- - - Updated - - -

And your Meme is pathetic. Doesn't even support the argument. Your probably a guy who wallows in his sorrow yet would never date a balding woman.


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damn i hate when sloots tell you "it's not a big deal for a men to loose hair, shave it, go to gym..."

a few weeks ago on a french forum a cancerous survivor b*tch told me :

"look at *name of a bald french comedian* he doesn't complain about his hairloss, he makes jokes about it, grow a pair"

yeah we have two option obviously: go to gym and try to look like a bald bully or live in the irony of your physic, cauz it's not a big deal FOR A MEN to loose hair, THX LADIES GFY.


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First off I am far from a sl*t (or sloot as you would like to call me). I was being completely honest that most women don't care if your bald as long as you are confident in yourself. I can show you several of my friends that have RECENTLY married bald men. Never ever once did I think about men caring if they went bald till I started losing my hair because it is true that it is more socially acceptable. I really never thought men obsessed over it like I did/do. Yes I feel bad for any men feeling like I do. I just wish they/you knew that attractive women will accept it. I am sure there are women that love men with a full head of hair but there are equally as many women that consider a bald man attractive. I keep going back in my head about the guys I dated and most all were bald sans one. I never even thought if balding was a concern for them. Never once crossed my mind. I was simply very attracted to them regardless. How many of you can say that for a female?


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sry for being rude, i tend to loose my temper when i read this kind of things.

i dunno if some women in they 30's-40's might find bald guys atractive, i don"t think so, you must confuse this with shaved head. and trust me girls in they 20's absolutely don't like balding men (even my girlfriend hate bald guys..).

you think balding for men is less a big deal cauz we can shave our head and it's still "socially acceptable" and a few women may still find some of us atractive, while a women can't shave her head cauz it's not socially acceptable and she will be ugly...
so "women balding > men balding " cause we can shave ?
well its wrong, let me try to transpose your logic in another example:

As a women, you can wear a wig, which is indeed "socially acceptable" (still for a women) , and men do find women wearing wig atractive sometimes. BUT WOULD you date a men with a wig? of course not, it's not socially acceptable for a men to wear a wig ..... so according to your logic in this example:

Women balding < men balding cause you can wear a wig ?
of crouse no...

women balding == men balding (imho)


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I am not trying to be cruel here or play amateur psychologist, but being attracted to bald dudes and dating a 40yo while in your 20's is a red flag. Also you or your friends dating bald guys means very little. I see many guys with fat chicks(not trying to be cruel, but that's what they are), but we all know if they had the choice they would not be.


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I am not trying to be cruel here or play amateur psychologist, but being attracted to bald dudes and dating a 40yo while in your 20's is a red flag. Also you or your friends dating bald guys means very little. I see many guys with fat chicks(not trying to be cruel, but that's what they are), but we all know if they had the choice they would be.

agreed with above, didn't knew you were in your 20's..


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Actually the 40 yr old made less than me. I was just out of college with my Electrical Engineeing Degree and he was a call technician making about half as much as myself and paid monthly child support. Nice assumption! And then you are saying women are so shallow in their 30s that they have to marry a bald guy so he has less chances of cheating. Lame lame lame...and shows how much self worth you have to make yet another very false assumption. Stop feeling so ****ing sorry for yourself that you can't get laid. It's def not because your bald. It's because you're a self righteous asshat!