I want to have hair transplant.!


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Hello everyone . I had a brain surgery abouth a month ago. Celebral hermorrage.I have a hair-loss. I would like to have my hair transplanted in 6 months. I'm almost bald. And I'm 19 years old. I used minoxidil. I don't wamt to use it ever again though. Because I want to have permanent hair. What would you suggest? If I had hair transplant, it would be nice but I want to know that. Can I be bald again?

thank you!



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I predict that Finastaride would do wonders for you. Although you could get permanent hair with a transplant....no transplant will ever be as thick or natural looking as your original hair.


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Yeah! I used finasterid and minoxidil. It didn't work though.I would like to have permanent hair at this time. Do you think "it can be loooking - good?".


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burak123 said:
Yeah! I used finasterid and minoxidil. It didn't work though.I would like to have permanent hair at this time. Do you think "it can be loooking - good?".

Can you tell us more about your experience with the 2 drugs?

El Nino

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Only a small minority get regrowth with the use of Finasteride and minoxidil. The majority see no further loss which means they are working well. And they need continuous use.

You are not a candidate for a hair transplant, mainly because of your age.

You should use meds for a few years and then see where you are.


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Finasteride and minoxidil didnt work. all of my hair was shedding after 12 months. and I stopped using it. And now I'm looking for a doctor for hair transplant.

El Nino

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keepinthehair said:
WHy is he too young? His pattern is already established as a NW5/6.

burak has lost ALOT of hair considering he is still in his teens. Yes, maybe it has stopped and his pattern is established.

Or maybe it will continue and he will progress to the most extreme case of baldness which is a full blown NW7 with donor zone thinning too. Which will mean he will have very few grafts available and any scars he gets will be very visible if he gets a hair transplant now.

Only time will tell.


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Hi there! Thank for your message el nino. My apologize I have just seen this. I want to have my hair transplanted. I'm not sure though. Furthermore I don't have a hair-loss. Doctors have said that. However I'm still not sure. My problem is seborrheic dermatitis. I have lost my hairs with this problem. And my hairs have become terrible. I don't know what to do. What do you suggest?

I will have my hair transplanted in 3 months. Because Doctors made a serious surgery 3 months ago (celebral hemorrhage) . I'm still waiting for good news guys ! thank you. I have still lots of hairs though.


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I am not so sure this is typical male pattern baldness.

I see no side photos, are you thin on the side as well?

Just curious if you had many CT scans of your head? (that is equal to 100's of normal x rays) could have triggered your hair loss (male pattern baldness) after all that radiation. Might explain why finasteride is not working. Radiation can hurt hair follicles and the ones in the horseshoe area of the scalp are even more sensitive to any radiation.

You need to stay on finasteride regardless. Did you take 1mg dosages regularly for at least a year? Do nizoral shampoo for your scalp irritation etc.

Check your Testostorone and DHT levels. They might be so high that finasteride is needed to bring DHT down some to prevent more hair loss. Would not hurt!

Your going to need the big 3 for this one at least finasteride and Nizoral, AT LEAST!