I Truly Believe That Being Bald Also Makes It That Much Harder To Find A Good Job


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Anyone looking for work knows that there is a lot of competition for any job these days and I think that being bald especially as a white guy is also a big disadvantage when looking for a job in addition to dating etc.

Does anyone agree with me and is anyone else here struggling to earn a living?

I'd like to hear about some people's job search/interview experiences as a bald man and if you've noticed any discrimination that I think occurs, mostly subtly.

That Guy

My Regimen
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Yes, definitely - hair is essential your appearance and 1st impressions.

Some years ago, when I cut my hair (used to be really long) I got the the job at every interview I went to, no joke. However, once the temple recession got to a noticeable point and the diffusion rendered my thinning hair on top perpetually "messy" looking, I've not been nearly so successful for any job that would've required public relations.


Established Member
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depends on what job. When it comes to factory jobs, I don't think they would really care. When it comes to door knockers or shop clerks then yeah its better to have hair