I took her to movies tonight... drove home drunk alone


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I took out this girl on a first date. She was about a 4/10 her ex boyfriend was this really fat ugly NW1 dude who she said treated her badly. I am a diffuse NW2 with toppik I can pull off full density but tonight I just didn't put much time into it she said "you're hair is really thin does it ever grow?" that screwed up the date so I ordered two margaritas one for her one for me but I drank both of them.

She realized something was wrong and said sorry and that she didn't mean that comment and really liked me but it already hit home.

I finished both drinks and went down the Texas state highway back to Houston trying to bring myself to drive off the road and kill myself. Too pussy to do it... just like my genetics.. not even strong enough to kill myself

f*** hairloss and f*** my life


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Driving drunk, putting the lives of others on the road is just plain wrong. And this is something you have control over. :thumbdown2:


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Be cool man... NW2 is not even noticeable in most lighting, probably just bad luck there. I'm 2.5-3 and people always tell me I'm crazy, when I say i'm thinning. Some girls like assholes, they mistake it for confidence, so don't compare how she dated the other ahole guy Keep up the confidence, and try your best, lift some weights or something.

Most of all please don't drink and drive. No use throwing your or someone else's life away. Get a cab, call a friend or something.


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I know it's hard, but try not to get affected by a girl who gives you such a rude comment.

I understand that you were getting pissed off, but hey - if she's into that sh*t, forget about her or tell her that she was rude.

If you think about it you see that there is no reason to kill yourself for girl that you just dated that cannot keep her mouth shut.

Try to stay away from the alcohol if it triggers negative thoughts and listen to what Agahi wrote.

Regarding your regimen, You should also start minoxidil, it's really simple!


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It might have been a harmless remark :whistle:

I personally wouldn't pay attention to such remarks :punk:


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virtuality said:
It might have been a harmless remark :whistle:
Exactly, people often make slip ups like this and blurt out stupid things due to nerves on a date. dude you have some inferiority complex. Get some perspective!


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s.a.f said:
virtuality said:
It might have been a harmless remark :whistle:
Exactly, people often make slip ups like this and blurt out stupid things due to nerves on a date. dude you have some inferiority complex. Get some perspective!

This pretty much. You have to develop some sort of thick skin. If someone points out that im receeding - and its not meant in a derogatory way or anything then I tend to live and let live, whatever. If anything I see it as them asking innocently, if anything it shows that its not such a bad thing if they bring it up in conversation.

If someone is really being nasty or derogatory about it then thats another matter.

but yeah, don't let little comments about hairloss get you down, otherwise your're in trouble.


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it depends how your Norwood looks.

i have seen people massive diffuse at the front, but becuase their skin tone is heavy tan and their hair is a light blonde it's near impossible to tell, his hair loss merely blends into his skin tone.

but if its like prince williams skin tone to hair, any balding looks pretty bad!


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wessneijder said:
I took out this girl on a first date. She was about a 4/10 her ex boyfriend was this really fat ugly NW1 dude who she said treated her badly. I am a diffuse NW2 with toppik I can pull off full density but tonight I just didn't put much time into it she said "you're hair is really thin does it ever grow?" that screwed up the date so I ordered two margaritas one for her one for me but I drank both of them.

She realized something was wrong and said sorry and that she didn't mean that comment and really liked me but it already hit home.

I finished both drinks and went down the Texas state highway back to Houston trying to bring myself to drive off the road and kill myself. Too pussy to do it... just like my genetics.. not even strong enough to kill myself

f*ck hairloss and f*ck my life

Your hair saved you from sleeping with a 4/10. Imagine if she had slept with you? You'd be stuck with that memory.


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Take a deep breath and relax. She's only a "4", just consider her a practice date and move on. No big loss, it's not like she's a good catch or anything.

And if you're a NW2, your hair can't look that bad. Just get on Propecia & Rogaine and you should be in good shape.

PS Please don't drink and drive. Seriously you have a LOT to lose if you get caught, it really isn't worth it.


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Your hair saved you from sleeping with a 4/10. Imagine if she had slept with you? You'd be stuck with that memory.

ahaha, so true.

you going to let your hair cause you to lower your standards?


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blonde_john said:
PS Please don't drink and drive. Seriously you have a LOT to lose if you get caught, it really isn't worth it.

I'd be more worried about causing an accident drunk that involves other, innocent drivers.


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monty1978 said:
Yeah enuff of the judgements people. We've all done dumb things, I'm sure he knows it's not a good idea to drink and drive.

Having aquaintances who have been killed by drunk drivers, who have been in serious accidents due to negligent drunk drivers, makes it kinda hard not to judge...


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CaptainForehead said:
Having aquaintances who have been killed by drunk drivers, who have been in serious accidents due to negligent drunk drivers, makes it kinda hard not to judge...

Sorry to hear that dude.. My brother was in a drink related car accident back in 2005 as well.

Actually, I don't even know what the legal alcohol limit is. Is it 1 or 2 beers?? As far as I know, the body gets rid off the alcohol found in one beer in about 2 hours. Does that mean we can have one beer per 2 hours and still be under the limit?

I know the limit is usually advertised as one beer, but one beer will have a different effect on men and women. Most men could probably get away with 2 beers. I usually go for 2, but I drink very slowly, ie the first beer is probably already out of my body by the time I get in my car.

IMO, it's hard to quantify what the limit for an individual driver is. It depends on body weight, absorption rate, the rate of drinking, digestion rate, etc.

As long as one feels the effect of alcohol, he/she shouldn't drive.


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virtuality said:
CaptainForehead said:
Having aquaintances who have been killed by drunk drivers, who have been in serious accidents due to negligent drunk drivers, makes it kinda hard not to judge...

Sorry to hear that dude.. My brother was in a drink related car accident back in 2005 as well.

Actually, I don't even know what the legal alcohol limit is. Is it 1 or 2 beers?? As far as I know, the body gets rid off the alcohol found in one beer in about 2 hours. Does that mean we can have one beer per 2 hours and still be under the limit?

I know the limit is usually advertised as one beer, but one beer will have a different effect on men and women. Most men could probably get away with 2 beers. I usually go for 2, but I drink very slowly, ie the first beer is probably already out of my body by the time I get in my car.

IMO, it's hard to quantify what the limit for an individual driver is. It depends on body weight, absorption rate, the rate of drinking, digestion rate, etc.

As long as one feels the effect of alcohol, he/she shouldn't drive.
virtuality said:
CaptainForehead said:
Having aquaintances who have been killed by drunk drivers, who have been in serious accidents due to negligent drunk drivers, makes it kinda hard not to judge...

Sorry to hear that dude.. My brother was in a drink related car accident back in 2005 as well.

Actually, I don't even know what the legal alcohol limit is. Is it 1 or 2 beers?? As far as I know, the body gets rid off the alcohol found in one beer in about 2 hours. Does that mean we can have one beer per 2 hours and still be under the limit?

I know the limit is usually advertised as one beer, but one beer will have a different effect on men and women. Most men could probably get away with 2 beers. I usually go for 2, but I drink very slowly, ie the first beer is probably already out of my body by the time I get in my car.

IMO, it's hard to quantify what the limit for an individual driver is. It depends on body weight, absorption rate, the rate of drinking, digestion rate, etc.

As long as one feels the effect of alcohol, he/she shouldn't drive.

A DUI is determined by your blood alcohol concentration. In my state, if you're BAC is 0.08 or greater, you are considered intoxicated by law and cannot legally drive.

The amount of beers it takes to get your BAC to that level varies from person to person. A big guy who is a heavy drinker can probably handle more beers than a small guy.


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Drunk driving is stupid, but I bet most of us have done it at one point or another, even if we weren't wasted, getting above .08 isn't hard. OP, be careful, I know your feelings were hurt, but don't throw your life away. Stay on the big 3, keep your head up, and don't drink and drive anymore! Best of luck.


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Nene said:
even if we weren't wasted, getting above .08 isn't hard.

Is that the legal limit in the US??? That's actually a lot.

According to a chart in wikipedia, for my weight BAC of 0.08 is equal to 4 beers. I really do think that's a lot.

PS: apparently the same limit applies in the UK.


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0.02 in my country Sweden. I personally would like a zero tolerance. I know people who have been killed in traffic due to drunkeness.


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Never drunk and drove in my life. When I was younger a friend of mine was driving and wrecked another friends car, was pretty bad. When you see it first hand, it makes you think before you do it... well for me at least.

Anyway, find a new girl that likes what you like, and take her on dates to dark places, or wear a hat, it will make you feel better. Eventually you wont even think about it, and at that point neither will she I'd bet.... Also work out, and get ripped, that always helps :).