I Think I F'd Myself


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I had been taking finasteride for the past year at 1.25 mg a day... just cutting a 5mg tab into 4s. I had been getting okay results maybe a bit of thickening but most of all didn't lose much. 5 months ago i got greedy assuming if finasteride could do this then dutasteride would for sure get me regrowth. So 5 months ago i got a prescription for dutasteride and began taking .5 mg a day every day. I dropped finasteride immediately from my regimen. In this 5 months i have thinned so much that all i can do is buzz my head and even then you can see my skull fairly easily in all parts at the top of my head, not just at the crown like i had when on finasteride.

So what i think happened was from the shock of dropping finasteride and the initial shed from dutasteride i have pretty much ****ed myself and have lost sooo much hair in the past 5 months. Just a word of advice from me when switching from finasteride to dutasteride remain on finasteride for i would say at least the first 3 months of taking dutasteride to try and avoid this.

On the bright side i have sort of come to terms with my balding since now i cannot even style my hair and am contemplating dropping dutasteride all together and being a bald 22 year old. Already being an in shape guy it has motivated me even more to improve my diet and work out harder. I will probably stick it out on dutasteride for another year or so since it is free under my drug plan and i am not seeing side effects and who knows maybe i will see regrowth eventually and all these lost hairs could come out positive in the long run.


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I did the same almost a year ago, but I took both, I lost a ton of hairs! So it seems that just by adding dutasteride, you're set to lose tons of hairs. The best side effect of taking dutasteride is you don't get any acne on your face.

I've now been on dutasteride only since Dec 2015, so about 5 months now. Shedding seems to have stopped, so hopefully by sticking to dutasteride only, my hair will start to regrow.


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lol i usually keep a beard since if i cant have hair on my head i might as well at least have some on my face so acne isn't a big worry for me. But yeah i am hoping the same. i am going to stick with it and hope for the best, its just sad when i look at pictures from 3 months ago to now and i've lost a ton of hair. Oh well i guess ill hope for the best and see what happens. Ill post an update in some time and hopefully you can too maybe we'll both pull through these nasty sheds. Goodluck brother.


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finasteride reduced serum DHT by roughly 70%; dutasteride reduces it by up to 93%. Hypothetically, that's a 23% more DHT inhibition. Now ask yourself this: is 23% significant enough to shock your body into Telogen Effluvium? Assuming that significant changes in lifestyle (diet, exercise, chemotherapy, etc) can induce Telogen Effluvium, I'd imagine it wouldn't be so farfetched to implicate the same logic with dutasteride.