I Quit Dutasteride And Went Back To Finasteride, How Long Until Shedding Stops?


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So I used finasteride for 2.5 years with great results, no hair loss and a lot of regrowth. I decided to switch to dutasteride as I thought it would bring more regrowth. I stopped taking finasteride and I took 0.5 mg dutasteride for 6 months daily. I lost hair through the entire 6 months. I have decided to quit dutasteride and go back to what works, finasteride. However, for the past month of being off of dutasteride and on finasteride I am still losing hair. Has anyone gone through a similar experience? How long till the shedding stops and finasteride works normally again? Also how long till dutasteride is no longer effective in my system. I'm aware of Duts 5 week half life but I would like to know at what percentage is it no longer effective? 50%? 25%?