I overslept taking treatment again..


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SOrry my bad englandish ;) .
I was partying last night and I just woke up and realized "oh ****, I'm 7hours late of my finasteride/minoxidil". This happens ~2 times a week, I miss the time to take my treatment by 5-8 hours because my routine on waking/going sleep is very unregular. Could there become any problems with that?
In theory, I take finasteride once and min 2 times inside of an 24hr scale.


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No, there's no problem with missing a few applications here and there, but do try and stay consistent. If you miss a dose/application, do not try and make up for the missed dose/application, but instead skip it and continue your treatment as if you never skipped at all.


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Eh? I dont see a problem at all if you take finasteride once a day and apply minoxidil twice in 24hrs.....
I dont have a specific time when I take these things, but always apply minoxidil twice per day.....


Established Member
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That's why I take my propecia at lunch time...during the week it,s no problem and on weekends I can still wake up late and take it on time. Also if I take it too early I seem to get that damn brain fog.