I need help 27 nw4/5 diffuse


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First of all hello and sorry for my bad English.
I know am late to save my hair, i thought i could handle them failing but i couldn't last month i saw a photo of myself and it's disgusted me. I seek help

i have for now no regimem because i 'am lost.

I have bought since the past week

- 1mg Finastéride
- i'm thinking of buying minoxidil
- i have a derma pen a6 ultima
- i have a derma roller 0.75 mm
- i have everything for a zix lotion coming next week
- i have copper peptide coming next week
- i have this lotion : DUTASTÉRIDE 0,5% LATANOPROST 0,1% TRICHOSOL 100 ML coming next week

- i have contacted asmed to have an idea of the possibility of a transplant

Should i buy minoxidil over the duta lotion?

or should I buy a dutasterida 0,5 % and minoxidil 7 % lotion ?

I'am desperate i bought everything i could but i cannot regroup enough to think of a routine, i 'am asking for your advices.

thanks for thoses who took the time to read me,
i am linking my hair both wet and dry
best regards
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some pictures
IMG_0938 (2).jpg