I just looked into the mirror.....(sry, more whining)

Bald Dave

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I think we all need to be happy with what we've got. If your balding that doesn't mean you are ugly. Its the face thats important. Women look at the face not the hairline. No women has ever told me to f*ck off you balding bastard! Women don't mind it!

I am not going to get depressed about being bald. Nor am I going to wollow in self pity! I am just going to get out there and enjoy my life (we've only got one). I feel contempt with myself and feel more confident than ever before! I love myself and thats the most important thing. If you don't love yourself then noone else will! Just get out there, start enjoying life and stop worrying about looks!


Bald Dave said:
I think we all need to be happy with what we've got. If your balding that doesn't mean you are ugly. Its the face thats important. Women look at the face not the hairline. No women has ever told me to f*ck off you balding bastard! Women don't mind it!

I am not going to get depressed about being bald. Nor am I going to wollow in self pity! I am just going to get out there and enjoy my life (we've only got one). I feel contempt with myself and feel more confident than ever before! I love myself and thats the most important thing. If you don't love yourself then noone else will! Just get out there, start enjoying life and stop worrying about looks!

thats a good attitude to love yourself. i just cant with a thinning head of hair.


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thats a good post Dave, but to me its bullS#$% to think that people should stop thinking about there looks if it bothers them.
how many hot girls do you see with almost bald men...
the truth is you dont see alot...... i hate to say it guys, but it does suck that society has become more shallow.... truthfully i love the fact of attention with girls, but i did this procedure with Dr. Armani more to help my career in music....
i always, ALWAYS see these hot mid 30's to mid 40's couples coming to my sister's house and seeing that one thing in common is that these hot women are with these guys with no hairloss and nice hair.... pisses me off... even though i will a full head of hair... but still... i want a women that i am remotely attracted to, but mostly a great personality

also, some guy on here is 21? thats not too young, dont listen to that crap.

Dr. Armani knows your donor and what your THRESHOLD of no return would be when he evalutes you.... i ask you one thing, just email or call shane and he will explain to you what Dr. Armani explains to him...
thick front thin back as a WORSE possible scenario....


hair transplants don´t work for diffuse thinners with limited donor hair..... :cry:


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Tauge, I know how you think. It's all too familiar with me. How can you still hate yourself?

You know, when I go to sleep at night, I think that maybe my next life will be better. I also envision of a time when I'm shot, perhaps as a police officer, or in the Marines, and that I can die young, and without hating myself any more.

God, when I read your posts, it brings about awful depression. :(


Sry, for making you depressive, Aplunk, that was never my intention. Though I know that my posts are often very negative, but I have to get this off my chest. It therapeutic for me.

I am also daydreaming of another life, a life where I am happy, succesful and without worries.
I often think that the only solution for all my problems is death though I am too scared to actually kill myself. So I am hoping that someone will kill me. Fast and painless.


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Taug you are fit and healthy and live in one of the richest societies on the planet. 90+ % of the worlds population have it much worse than you. Maybe in the next life you will be a starving Ethiopian but at least you'll probably not suffer from m.p.b.


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Taugenichts said:
hair transplants don´t work for diffuse thinners with limited donor hair..... :cry:

lol, thats hilarious... .another bulls#@$ statement..... lack of knowledge...
there are several threads on how Armani is the master at tranplanted among diffuse thinners....you will not be limited from Armani's skill, but only if the top 3 meds not working for you. if they do work for you ... you can stop the diffuse lost, and then get the transplant from Armani....
its like stopping the leak in the boat, and then getting the rest of the water out
same concept.......
i used to think the way you did, so this is not an attack to you Taug, but to help people understand the truth....

think about, when people get there hair line repaired from Armani, it is a mini-version of diffuse thinning, and people get great results from that


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when i asked Christ into my life, its changed my life forever.. that is the truth......the art of fullfillment is giving, you can do anything you want, all this crying girly crap is being lazy, you can create your happiness....
i went through the same thing when my dad passed away, and my girl left me..... now i am gaining not only everything back, but better than it was before because i prayed to God to help me, and i worked for it......
just like a great father on Earth, he is the eternal father


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haleystudios said:
when i asked Christ into my life, its changed my life forever.. that is the truth......the art of fullfillment is giving, you can do anything you want, all this crying girly crap is being lazy, you can create your happiness....
i went through the same thing when my dad passed away, and my girl left me..... now i am gaining not only everything back, but better than it was before because i prayed to God to help me, and i worked for it......
just like a great father on Earth, he is the eternal father


There are much more important things in life than posting like an angst-ridden kid.... You need to stop whining and get on with your life.

And I don't make a big deal on here about being a Christian, but I am and Haley's posts definitely resonate with me.



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to Klink,,,
thanks brother...... Until people ask Christ in there heart... they can never ever see the other side of the wall....

"I came into this world to give sight to those who cannot see....
"and to take away sight from those you can"......

"If you were blind... then you would be without sin... but since you say we see..... then your sin remains"......
Jesus Christ

this changed my life forever......
ha ha and people say Jesus was just a man

Bald Dave

Established Member
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Its good that you have taken Christ into your life - good for you man!

I think we all need to get over the hairloss. Okay, we hate it but we need to think positive and focus on other things in life.

Best of luck to you!


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sorry brother.... i get real figgity (not spelled right) with my statements sometimes... you did say limited donor so you might have a point there....
but it might depend on how much diffuse thinning and how much donnor you have...i have seen alot of great Armani pics with people with diffuse thinning....

Bald Dave,
thanks bro..... your right ... we have to deal with our hairloss and with have to keep breathing everyday and realize that we need to handle every situtation in our life with making the best decisions for them...
with hair for example.... get on these forums, learn form wise posters to give you the best advice for you hair, and then move on to the next problem


haleystudios said:
Bald Dave,
thanks bro..... your right ... we have to deal with our hairloss and with have to keep breathing everyday and realize that we need to handle every situtation in our life with making the best decisions for them...
with hair for example.... get on these forums, learn form wise posters to give you the best advice for you hair, and then move on to the next problem

thats a good attitude, to make the best decision in every situation. for me i always think strategic when i take decisions. think long term.