I just found out I'm balding. WHAT DO I DO??!?!?!?!?


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Please help me. What are the next steps? Propecia? Better diet? Hair transplant?
I have a lot of money so a hair transplant wouldn't be a problem financially


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depends on the stage and pattern of your hairloss as well as your age whether a hair transplant would be good. But since your thread suggests you are in early stages of balding a hair transplant would not be a good idea. Start finasteride 1mg or 1.25mg daily, it should be able to maintain your hair on it's own. Also, you can include nizoral 2% shampoo twice weekly. If you are not satisfied with maintaining and want max regrowth possible, use minoxidil liquid once or twice daily in addition to your finasteride & nizoral regimen. These three together are known as the big 3